jeon chiwon ;; we must love.

14 1 70

" your every coincidence is his careful planning. "


i'll be honest, i fall in love too easily.

chiwon was barely awake when he arrived at work.

yawning like a lion, he sank into his chair, pulling the hood of his hoodie over his head moodily. his eyelids fell shut and he slowly dozed off underneath the coziness of his oversized clothes and jacket and whatnot.

that is, until a very sexy voice woke him up.

" hey. " haechan breathed beside him, jolting him awake.

he sat up straight in a fraction of a second, his eyes wide and wild and panicked. " i'm awake ! i'm awake ! i'm working ! "

" yo, chill, " the latter laughed at his sudden overreaction, " it's just me. "

" o-oh, uh... hey. what's up ? "

" nothing, " he shrugged, " just wanted to ask if you wanna have lunch later. you know, during lunch break. there's a new diner that just opened across the street, and i thought... might as well try it out. "

with that, he walked away, leaving chiwon standing there, a wide smile worming its way into his face. he sat down, silently cheering in his heart as his cheeks heated up under his hood.

he asked me out for lunch !

because of this, chiwon kept staring at haechan for the rest of the morning.

he stared at him when he hosted a meeting about the decreasing sales of networkly.

he stared at him when jungwoo caught him secretly playing fortnite during work hours.

he stared at him when he asked to privately talk to him about a project they were about to work on.

and he was still staring at him while he was explaining.

" h-hello ? chiwon ? " haechan waved a hand in front of the boy, who was very obviously zoning out, his bright eyes staring deep into his soul, " stop staring. you're scaring me. "

haechan's hand stopped in midair, confusing chiwon a little. however, that confusion soon turned into panic when the former gently brushed his hand against his hair.

" o-oh, " chiwon could almost feel himself heating up like a self-heat hotpot, " u-uh... "

does he like me back ?

because of this, chiwon continued staring at haechan, and never let the latter out of his sight up till lunch break.

he made sure to freshen himself up in the restroom, paying extra attention to his usually messy hair, mentally cursing himself for wearing overly baggy clothes that made him look like a thot (probably not what thot meant, but not like he was interested in knowing anyway).

then, when he entered the restaurant...


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