jang seulchae ;; better days.

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" perhaps we are made of stardust, but we are made of memories too. "


unbeknownst to anyone else, chae had a bullet journal.

it wasn't as good as the ones on tiktok, and it wasn't as fancy as sohwi's, and it wasn't as expensive as byul's, but it was a journal nonetheless. the washi tape inside were mostly gifts from sohwi and xiaoxiao, and the pens were byul's recommends, and some of the scrap paper were from the nice notebooks that ahn collected but never used. to some people, it might look like a scrap book full of... well, scrap, but to her, it was the most important thing in the world. it was her everything.


it was full of photos of her classmates, of her school, of the street, of anything she liked. some of them were taken with lucy's fancy camera, and some of them were taken with her crappy old phone, hence the difference in photo quality.

it was full of drawings of food, of the merchandise she bought, of the stationery she wanted to buy. random doodles occupied every empty space she could find, messy and unorganised but precious in her eyes.

it was full of writings, letters her friends wrote to her for her birthday, reminders to bring thins to school, homework, random rants she didn't want to tell anyone about, things that happened, that one time jeon used her calligraphy pen and taught her a new font for journalling. words occupied the spaces that weren't occupied by drawings, words that always touched her heart whenever she reread them.

but most of all, it was full of memories.

seokmin's confession.

the first time the boys won a basketball match against the state champion team.

the first time he said ' i love you ' to her.

their valentine's dance.


cheating on exams.

stealing each other's homework.

lucy's camera being broken again.

sohwi bringing her entire box of washi tape, tripping over nothing and spilling it all on the floor.

jeon solving a math problem not even the teacher could solve.

mingi not knowing how to step down from a ladder.

seokmin stripping in class to prove he had abs.

okay, pretend you didn't see the last one. that was dumb. and very triggering. he did not have abs at all. his eyesight was terrible. as always.

her journal was full of memories, of her friends, of her boyfriend, of her family, of everyone and everything important to her. it was her entire world squished into one tiny little notebook she found at a roadside stall. it was an entire universe of things she cherished. it was a library of memories she'd never give up.

it was her life.

it was her and her friends' life.

it was her and seokmin's life.

and she'd do anything if it meant keeping it with her forever.

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