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Races on Oken are ranked from the strongest to the weakest and they are ranked from 'IV' to 'E' with the 'IV rank' being the god rank and strongest of all ranks. 'SSS' to 'S' ranks being rare ranks and/or ranks in par to the gods. 'A rank' is the strongest rank under and closest to the rare ranks and everything in-between it down to the 'E rank' being just strong and 'E rank' being the weakest rank.

Those that rank below the 'E rank' are considered to be Belnorms.


IV rank
The first primordial-god in all of Oken and Axera is Aos; the personification and primordial-god of darkness.

From darkness came light and with it a second being, the primordial-goddess Ter; the personification and primordial-goddess of light.

Siren-gods are children of the first or the primordial-gods and they are the parents to the Liegen-gods.

Examples of Siren-gods are Emer; the personification and Siren-goddess of day, and first daughter to the primordial-gods Aos and Ter. Another Siren-god is Eil; the personification and Siren-god of time, and first son to the primordial-gods Sor and Mira.

Liegen-gods are the children of the oldest Siren-gods with a select few strong children from other Siren-gods (one or two from each).

Examples of some of the already mentioned Liegen-gods and children to the Siren-gods Emer and Eil (the oldest Siren gods), these Liegen-gods are; Arker, Xrae, Abeh and the youngest of all the Liegen-gods; Elis.

Salwn-gods, also known as minor gods, are children of the other "lesser" Siren-gods.

Examples of Salwn-gods include;
Ors; goddess of nothingness and Ceeris; god of war and bloodshed who are both children of the Siren-gods Arus; Siren-god of the underworld and Orchlys; Siren-goddess of misery.

(Note: Out of every one of the Salwn-gods, the strongest is made a Liegen-god by celestial law because they are either the strongest and most capable to rule over their divine siblings)

These are gods that were originally born a different race but given the title of an ascended-god thanks to their strength, lineage or after they prove themselves worthy of the title and it is given to them by the Liegen gods with Arker's final say being the one that gives one the title.
Examples of such ascended-gods are the twin Liegen-gods Hellem and Sollas, Arks born to the Siren gods Holas (Siren-god of the seas) and Nae (Siren-goddess of compulsion) as gifts from Arker.

Demi-gods are children of the gods with each other or with other beings, mostly humans. An example of such can be the demigod Poilisus; a renowned craftsman, he's the son to Arker and a dwarf lass.

SSS/SS/S rank to A rank

A rank to E rank
-Dark Elves

E rank to Belnorm and below


In every rank there are levels and these levels start from level 10 -with level 10 being the highest and strongest level, to level 1 -with level 1 being the lowest and weakest level in a given rank. For example;

Rank: E Rank: E Rank: E
Level: 10 Level: 5 Level: 1
High || Average || Low

The highest and strongest level in the E rank is 10 and the lowest and weakest level in the same rank is 1. When one reaches level 10 and pass it they become a Rank D level 1.

Rank: D Rank: D Rank: D
Level: 10 Level: 5 Level: 1

With the same rules applying as the ranks and levels continue to change/go up.

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