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Elis' POV

Sollas' disappearance has brought nothing but trouble for the rest of us, the last few years it was bearable, but now I am receiving prayers that have nothing to do with me and mortals, especially humans. They don't know how painful it is to be begged for something and not be able to do anything about it.

"O-great Elis, Liegen goddesses of fate and prophecy, mother and creator of all dragons. Please, we beg with our all, hear our plea; help us in our time of need for the sea gods have turned a deaf ear to our cries. We come to you, sinners, oblivious to what we have done to anger the sea gods, please let us know what the future holds for us."

Sigh. I just hope that this works and we pick a new sea Liegen soon because I am tired of ignoring cries for help from both sea and land dwellers. Well I guess since over half of the other Liegens have already picked their candidates, it is about time I did the same and checked in on my candidate, I haven't done so in a while. I mean, what's the point in keeping up with her, rather, being surprised is more my style.

Last I checked on her she was about to get her monthly beating from that mother of hers and I decided to stop watching and focus on more godly things for a while. A few days ago I heard from Jos that there was a person getting recognition and strength really fast and most of the gods had their eyes on her. When he told me the person's name I quickly changed their minds.

First it was Lios, I told him he'll end up bringing shame to his own name. Next it was her patron goddess, I told her she will not grow on her own thus when the selection started she would easily lose. With Oum: '' won't get along...'' as it was obviously in his nature and so on and so forth.

After all of that I retired to my domain and tried sensing for my dear candidate's life force today and I couldn't find her. My subordinates told me that she hasn't been seen or heard from for days now.

I guess I'll check on my dear sister and see if any misfortune has befallen my candidate in my absence, but knowing Abeh, she's probably going to be a stubborn mule.

She'll probably try and rub the fact that she found a candidate before I did in my face, but I already found mine, I just haven't picked her yet. Sigh. Small sacrifice I guess.

I head over to Abeh's realm, which is not to my liking. The stench of death is everywhere, it is dark and gloomy and everyone is so lifeless, I guess it comes with the territory. I am met by one of her Wraiths, Mel, who leads me over to Abeh's garden where I find her watching her helpers slave away. "I don't think I'll ever get used to the fact that such a beautiful garden exists in such a hideous place."

"If you are here to ridicule me you can just turn around and head back to your own realm Elis." Abeh says not even acknowledging my presence. "Oh don't be like that sis, you know I only make fun to lighten the room and looking at this place I might have my work cut out for me."

She chuckles. "That was actually kind of funny. Humor, such a nice thing sometimes." She lets out a sigh. "Alright then, out with it, what do you want?"

"What makes you think I want anything? What if I am here to spend time with my sister?" I ask, obviously being sarcastic.

She calls Mel over who as lifeless as the environment around her. "Get my dear sister some wine and get me a poi apple." Mel disappears after offering me a chair next to Abeh and returns a second later with some fruit, cheese and wine.

Now, what do you want Elis? The only time you visit is when you want something or when you want me to do something for you.

You know I don't mean to do that, I just have a busy schedule that's all.

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