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Hydris' POV

Since I met Lady Losias, she has been calm and collected for the most part and if I had not been present the day she turned the sin of pride into nothing but a puddle of blood and bits of flesh, I would have never thought her to be more than just a jolly and ever so bickering tot the way she constantly goes at it with her friend Ezaire over the pettiest of things.

What I saw the day I met her was both horrifying and breathtaking and if I am being honest, I wish I could see it again, but at the same time I pray to Losias' patron goddess as well as the goddess Lithia that no one else be as foolish as the dark elves of Varltheas to try and cross paths or draw their sword against her benevolence. Unfortunately, it seems that the goddess of peace as well as Miss Anname's patron goddess both turned a deaf ear and did not heed my prayers because as we stood face to face with the city guards a little while ago things got really ugly really fast.

The guards said 'the only way I could enter the city was either in chains or as a corpse' and since I am very much alive and want to stay that way, that option was quickly dismissed and the only option left was to be put in chains, but unfortunately for them Losias did not share their sentiments.

Before our departure from Enore, Lady Losias said 'death would befall her before dishonor does I and taints my family name through my actions,' which I would never wish for, both the fall of the all-queen and disgrace on my family's name, but when we reached the city gates the city guards did not heed her warnings. They foolishly drew their weapons against her after she stood up in my defense, the guards accused her of blasphemy and all four of them charged at her, but the most un-sea thing, which is the only way I can describe what happened... happened.

As the guards charged at Losias they were stopped dead in their swim from a glare with the water around them compressing. I could tell they were in pain by the expressions they wore, they were suffering and finding it hard to breathe underwater. Sea serpents were suffocating underwater, I could not believe my eyes.

A moment passed and they all collapsed semi-conscious with some completely unconscious and Losias said we had no time to waste with them. "We have to reach the castle as soon as possible. Hydris, make your way to the castle and do not worry about anything especially any oncoming pursuers, if they get anywhere close to us Nirl and I will deal with them." She said.

I saw more guards make their way towards us from both sides as I swam towards the castle and when I tell you they were dealt with, believe me, they were dealt with. I increased my pace and reached the castle gates which are about a mile away from the castle itself.

At the gates we were met by more guards, only this time it was the royal guards and not any of the city guards. Behind us more city guards approached with two borderline guards behind them and I could sense Losias' patience growing thin by the second so I set both her and Nirl down before morphing back into my humanoid form. As soon as she touched the waterbed a light blue barrier of sorts appeared behind us and separated us from the oncoming guards behind us and the guards that were standing in front of us a moment ago had already collapsed and we were the only ones still standing. I didn't even notice that until Nirl called for me saying 'we should get going or you will be left behind!'

Sure, like you would both know where to go. I thought as I ran after them, but overlooking that, Losias really is not a force to be totaled with. She is beyond amazing.

Nirl goes around checking if the guards are okay as we make our way to the castle since we meet guards almost every few meters, it is kind of tiring really. He gives us a smile and a thumbs up to signal that they are okay and for a person who has bested me in almost every sparing match we've had so far, for a person who is reserved and strong he is sometimes, like now, gracelessly childish with that silly smile on his face.

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