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Royal Castle|Sin'er

Being on the surface and on the loams of Oken has been great, but being so close to home and being in Midgard on its own is just a whole other feeling.

Lady luck seems to be on my side lately, no day has gone by without something eventful happening and now being here... about to meet the King of Sin'er and all, this is a whole step from the sea. Not on beauty of scenery, no, never on that, only on the feel of things. Everyone is so nice and they think of us as these very important people, I mean I get that, I am walking next to their princess after all so... yeah, look at me right why don't you.

We reach the throne room and we are received very royal like. Well, Yuno and Brok are, the rest of us are just seen as measly warriors and bodyguards. The throne room is filled with a lot of people, there's even an elf here and my goodness is he a whole catch.

"Ah, Yuno. You sure took your time... ha-ha." A regal man awkwardly laughs, but follows that up in a cherry tone as he walks towards us. "Prepping yourself for the prince must have taken longer than expected."

"Yes... father, I am sorry for the delay." Yuno takes a bow and then directs her attention to the elf and what I am guessing is his escort though they both look so out of place here.

"My prince, welcome to Sin'er. You have traveled long and far, I do hope you had a fine journey."

"We had no problems getting here if that is what you mean." The Orion prince; Xander, says in a somewhat inimical manner. "What took you so long? You cannot say you have been getting ready, if so I think you are going to need a little more time to get... ready." he waves his hand around looking her up and down in with a very uninterested gaze.

"My apologies your highness, it will not happen again." Yuno forces an apology.

"Tch, it better not you lowly cur." One of his escorts speaks up. "And who are these peasants you have brought with you, you keep such in your castle now?"

"You dare call my-?!"

Calm down Jasmine.

"What was that? A peasant dares speak up in the presence of the prince Orion without permission?" He proceeds to draw his sword. "Such filth has no place in this world, Jon, I want this filth beheaded at once."

Since he has free speech he is either a high ranking noble or the prince's advisor, if he even has one.

King Jon looks like he doesn't like the idea, but then again in his current position... not even sitting on his own throne, he has no choice but to behead us and-, wait, what?

"Did you not hear what I said? Behead these-!"

The big mouth escort speaks up again, but he is silenced by the prince. "That is quite enough Carlos, there is no need for that. I mean what kind of King will I be if I up and killed everyone who spoke their mind?" He says this looking straight at me. "And what a waste it would be to get rid of such beauty. Would you not agree Sir Liean?"

He takes a second to reply, probably not liking what is happening.

"Sir Liean?"

"Yes your highness?" Liean answers.

"Do you not agree?"


"Alright then. You, what is your name?" He asks Jasmine to which she keeps quiet. "Oh? Now you are mute? What happened to all of that a second ago, did Carlos here scare you?" the prince asks in a playful manner.

Again she says nothing.

"Hhm, alright then. What about you little lady, what might your name be?" He asks me and I too stay quiet and just stare at him.

"Did you not hear Prince Xander? Are you deaf?" Carlos grows impatient. "Peasants! Know your-!"

This time around I am late to tell Jasmine to stand down and in a blink of an eye her dagger is on Carlos's neck.

"If you dare insult my lady again, I will cut your tongue and feed it to your foolish prince."


"I am sorry my lady." She dodges the strike from one of the other escorts. "I could not just stand there and let him insult you like that." She continues to say as she dodges the other escorts, who I am guessing are all warriors or knights of a high ranking.

Sigh. Well, I was getting tired of it to, I mean I already understand what is happening here: This union is for the sake of their kingdom, they are at the mercy of Orion and as a result they have to take such, but that doesn't mean I have to and Jasmine being my only escort has taken it upon herself to defend my name.

"Ha! Your lady?" Carlos struggles to say in his choke hold. "Lady of what? She is not even-!"

"Pick your next words carefully human." And cue the point of no return with a hint of malice from Jasmine and a sprinkle of Krab transformation.

It doesn't take long for Carlos, the loud mouth escort, to regret saying anything after seeing Jasmine's transformation.

After a pause due to the surprise transformation, Los points out something about the warrior knights.

They are not your everyday knights.

I take note of what he is saying and sure enough they aren't normal knights, they are dressed in all black with a large crest in the form of a dragon of sorts on their back and the Orion crest over their left breastplates and their attacks although ineffective against Jasmine, they are of a high level.

I appraise them and find out they are The Black Dragons. I mean I wanted to meet them ever since I heard of their heroic adventures as a tot and to be here, in the same room as them, the gods must be really happy today, huh? And the one dressed in white, Liean, The Liean. everything about him oozes knight, pride, 'don't start a fight with me unless you're prepared to die' and an 'I don't want to be here attitude', all that and he is the highly decorated head general of the Orion army.

Fancy. Los comments on Liean's stats and titles.

I mean he doesn't even bother move from the prince's side even when Carlos is being held at point, he cares for nothing else, but his duty and unless he is given an order, he will do nothing else but be idle like he is now.

Sigh. This is becoming a whole thing with these kingdoms isn't it? You know what Ann, let me take over the for a bit

What? Why?

Oh nothing really, just feel like blowing off some steam is all. Watching and having you act out some of our plans is fun and all, but being in the midst of the action is where it all is.

Uh-huh... Okay then, I should've probably picked up on that since you're just a kid in dragon-

Quit while you're ahead Ann.

He-he... Sorry. You can take over, but don't do anything too reckless okay?

Who? Me? Never.


You can go to sleep if you want, this might take a while.

Hmm, nah, I'll just watch. Why should I miss the fun?

Hmm, well then suit yourself. Now... "Silence!"

And after that everything goes black. I have no idea why or what happened, but I can't see, hear, feel or say anything.

I am in the dark, literally, if that or let me say if this is how Los' life is like inside of my body even I would want to get out any chance I get and I would be as easily provoked as he is.

Oken Rebirth: Tales of An Unknown WorldOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant