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She chokes a couple of time as I break the situation down for her and takes a second to think about what course of action to take.

"Correct me if I am wrong," I continue to raise the stakes. "if the kingdom of Orion was to somehow, I don't know, find out that you prophesied the result of their meeting with the kingdom of Sin'er, what do you think they'll do? And say the princess isn't present to meet the prince and welcome him as her future groom as agreed upon by the two kings, wouldn't that revitalize the war that is supposed to be laid to rest with their coming together and who do you think would be to blame for this?"

Ann, what are you doing?

Just watch.

"So what's it going to be Feliah, compensate me for escorting the princess back to her kingdom or we conclude this here meeting and go our separate ways?"

"I-I don't know. It depends." Feliah stammers and even if I was blind I would've been able to see the sheer terror on her face. No doubt thinking about what would happen if the mightiest kingdom in Midgard was to come after her.

"It depends, on what the compensation is?" I ask getting up.

"Yes. I don't have gold here. Though I could ask the princess to compensate you upon-"

"Oh no, I don't want money as compensation. See, money has no loyalties, whoever holds silver or gold owns it, but loyalty and service, these two things although earned are worth more than all the gold in the world. So, the compensation I ask for... it's nothing big, all you have to do is just pack your bags and all your belongings and take a little trip to Enore and become its oracle. I am guessing you're not an oracle loyal to Mio'c, yes?"



"You want me to repeat myself? Well, if I must... as compensation for my services you have to change your place of residence from Mio'c to Atlas and become its oracle. I can't necessarily ask Glaucus to be Enore's oracle when he is still Atlantis' oracle. Fear not, being Enore's oracle comes with some privileges, for starters you get to live in the world's, soon to be, greatest nation, you will have a shiny new title, Oracle of Enore, ou, doesn't that sound nice? Oh and I know you're going to love this one... you get to meet and maybe even work with Glaucus from time to time, so what do you-?"

"I'll do it!" She cuts me off.

"Oh? You didn't let me finish though, there's still more." I say already knowing my bait worked. Glaucus, one of the greatest oracles to ever live and possibly the strongest one still alive as he is immortal, his name and promise of his audience can have any oracle want to meet him in heart beat either to study under him, try and be better than him or just to see him and my dear Feliah here just got hooked and railed in.

"No, no, you need not say anymore. I'll even leave right now if you want me too and swing the seas all the way to Atlas." She says getting up and looking for something.

"Hhm, not that I mind your possibly drowning and being one with the sea, but do you even know where Enore is?" I ask.

She thinks for a little while. "Enore... located west of here and is currently the second and now only existing sole kingdom after Atlantis. So to answer you, my lady, I know exactly where Enore is." She says and continues looking for whatever it is she was looking for.

Anname, you just met this woman, why on Oken would you instantly trust her to be the oracle of your new home? And do you not need your mortal companions' input on this decision?

Well... I have come to realize that if you don't live in the moment and act on whatever it is you feel you won't enjoy life. Waiting on tomorrow to come and getting to know someone then is too much waiting for me, I'd rather act on my thoughts and how I feel right now. After all, you only live once, no?

Oken Rebirth: Tales of An Unknown WorldOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant