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Anname's POV

Weeks, that is how long I have lived among the sea dwellers, I have explored the Krabkin's city and culture. I traveled and visited other sea kingdoms like Senton and Livia, and I even got to visit Atlantis which was a beautiful place despite most of it being in ruin.

In Atlantis I met the oracle Glaucus Lor who was surprisingly nice despite the fact that we brought trouble to his home in the form of Salwn gods, I mean he gave me a number of gifts to help me on my journey, but we'll get to all of that a little later. Currently, after days of travel, I have finally left the sea and I've found myself on the shores of Rol'arc, a lot has happened in the last few weeks and if anything, I think I have grown and learnt more in these last few weeks than I have in a long time.

Wait, you are not into this? You're still caught up on the whole bringing trouble in the form of Salwn gods to Glaucus's home thing huh?

No? Well then, if not then let's just forget about it.

Ha, I saw that, a little disappointed were you? He-he, well fear not, I won't hold anything from you; I'll tell you what happened.

So, seven days ago after Hydris' arrival from Iphias, Los decided it was a good idea for us to go sightseeing. The idea didn't sound all that bad to me either, since despite my having seen two other sea kingdoms already and familiarizing myself with the Krabkin kingdom, for the most part I was either cooped up in the library absorbing knowledge or I was with Jasmine, who by the way is an amazing girl despite being spoiled rotten.

We prepped our things for out short trip to Atlantis and as we traveled as a party of three - Jasmine, Hydris and I, escorted by Krabkin soldiers, Los and I talked about where we were going and what we were to expect when we got there, that among other things.

See, I was not the most liked or celebrated all-king and some of the aquatic divinities, if anything they hated me for the favour I had with the people. I had great influence and the sea kingdoms would rather pay tribute to me than some Salwns who would forsake them whenever they saw it fit. He answered my question about his take on the sea gods.

After reading a few books in the three different kingdoms I visited, I noted that unlike in Orion, books down here praised Los more than they praised the sea gods. The hardly ever mentioned them unless they did in which case they would mention the strongest of the sea gods, Sollas, followed by his children being his next in command, but that was mostly out of respect and lack of communication the sea divinities had with the sea dwellers.

Los told me that he didn't ask to be the all-king, but as it was his father's title before him, it was given to him. What happened to your parents? I asked, but he was unwilling to give up any more details other than the fact that it was a topic he'd much rather not discuss.

We reached the ruins of Atlantis and there to greet us were 'scavenging bottom feeders' as Los called them before taking over and going on a short rampage. After he was done with the bottom feeders, who were mostly exiled merman looking for treasure, we decided to have a look around with the soldiers carrying out Los's 'request' to track down the merman and have them locked up. Honestly, I think that just made me look like a bad person, but does Los care? I doubt it.

Jasmine, Hydris and I went into Los's temple where we found grand statues of him in both his humanoid and dragon form. Some were made out of gold, others out of jade and some were made out of a marble I had never seen before. Los whispered at the back of my thoughts: That's what the Axerans use to build their temples. And with that tidbit of information I was taken aback.

Why didn't those guys still these instead of looking for little treasure? I asked going up a staircase marveling at the architecture. Well, if I was to guess, it is probably because they are cursed, but then again they could have had other reasons for not taking them. His response was so casual, like cursed statues of himself were a normal thing.

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