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The old lady, dressed in all white smiles at me and invites us in. We all introduce ourselves to each other and from being pissed to being surprised and scared Cassie, if I was to guess, probably regretted drawing her sword against me.

"So, what can I do you for?" Feliah asks sitting cross-legged on a mat.

I ask her if everyone could leave the room so we could have a private conversation and she tells everyone to go outside and play like they are little kids. After everyone goes out I let up and let Los take over my speech to which he uses telepathy to talk to her and tell her what's wrong.

For some reason something is wrong with both my daughter and I, it feels like we have both lived through this day already. And I have to tell you, I have never felt like this before. I could've gone to my oracle Glaucus, but we already visited him yesterday and going to where he is now just seemed tasking. Now, do you think you can help my daughter here and I?

Hmm, correct me if I am wrong, but the oracle you speak of is the great Glaucus of Atlantis and not some make believe oracle using his name to gain fame and-

I assure you Glaucus is Glaucus but as for his being great, I am not so sure about that... he is very resourceful though.

Alright then, next question. Who are you and how did you manage to get all the way down to the depths of the sea to meet Glaucus.

Well, I thought you would have easily deduced that from the fact that I am in a host body my dear oracle, but I am Los and this here is my daughter Anname Losias, currently serving and helping me as my vessel.

And after Los tells her that he is the dragon emperor of the seas the conversation took a whole new turn with her kissing the very ground he walks on and offering to help us with everything we needed. She did a type of search that allows one to see into both the future and the past and she came up with two answers to our problem, one of them being the point when this started and where it was supposed to take us... the dungeon and the other being we are going to meet the cause of this in the near future and we must beware of their power.

We finish up with our silent meeting and Los asks her not to tell anyone of his being back as it will cause an uproar, he'd rather just focus on helping me rebuild Atlantis and make a name for myself and after that is done, then he can return. She agrees and as if pushing her luck in Los' eyes she makes a request, but I quickly understand where she is going with it.

"Escort the princess of Sin'er back to Soifon where you will use the gate and travel back to Sin'er. She is expected to be there to meet the prince of Orion tomorrow, but sadly her escort is not here yet and I fear the worst might have happened to them on their way here." Feliah says face to the ground practically begging us.

"Oh, right, her. Why is she all the way over in the lands of the beastfolk and not being pampered in her pretty little castle?" I ask.

"She came here looking for an answer to whether marrying the prince of Orion will be advantageous to her and her kingdom or not. They have been on edge thinking of what will follow the marriage or the meeting with the prince so Sin'er's king sent her here secretly to find this out."

"Oh? And doesn't Sin'er have oracles of their own? Why did she have to come all the way to Mio'c for that?" Curiously I press on.

Hmm, good question. I know the seers of such a frail kingdom cannot be as strong as you are, but from my knowledge they can do something as easy as read the results of this meeting you speak of between the two kingdoms. So why come all the way here? Los asks.

"Well, all the seers in her kingdom suddenly went missing not so long ago and some were even found dead. What's suspicious about this though is why it happened around the same time as the meeting. Majority of the seers in Sin'er are only average compared to the ones in their neighboring countries and as such they can only see a week into the events of their kingdom with the strongest one of them being able to see almost fourteen days into the future, but he was the first one to go missing.

Two, the reason they came all the way to Mio'c is the king, an old friend of mine, instructed his daughter and a trusted warrior to accompany her to my side of the world. Going to the seers in the neighboring lands would've probably caused an uproar as I am sure you are aware since this would show a lack of trust in the meeting and news about something like this travels fast in Midgard so, they used a gate and came here."

Okay, I understand what you are saying. Now she needs to go back and act like nothing ever happened, but in actual fact she'll already have the knowledge of the future you would've or you have already given to her. Correct?


"I have a question... how did you know she was coming here in the first place?" I ask.

"Well as you are well aware I can see into the future and I keep tabs on people I have met and their lives, that's how I knew she was coming here so I sent a request to the local guild in Soifon known as the fallen raiders, I requested Cassie who I have worked with for years and she escorted the princess here." Feliah answers giving me extra information I did not ask for. I kind of feel stupid for asking now.

"Alright then. I will help, not because it concerns Midgard or because I am all kind, but because I will require compassion for my services."

"I just read your future, cant that be compensation enough?" She asks.

"No, that was strictly one sided. I came here, made a request and you complied without wagering anything be done in return. Now, you are asking me to do something for you and before carrying out this here task I... unlike most, am telling you I require some sort of compensation for the service you are asking for." I put on my best poker face. This is all thanks to Ezaire yet again, having taught me how to negotiate with people and get the best deal out of anything.

"I am guessing we are your last hope as the princess' escort isn't here yet and it's already dark outside... monsters should be running around rampant, no?"

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