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After the celebrations I finally got a good night's rest even though throughout the night there was drunk singing here and there that woke me up a few times though besides that I slept like a log and if I was to guess, so did the Van'roe siblings.

Ezaire and Nirl went to sleep early because that's just how they are. 'Early to bed, early to wake and get to work' - that would be their watchword if they had any. Ilena stayed up to help the other village women clean up, same as I, but I was told to go and sleep because well, I'm a hero and all now so apparently I need my rest.

Naturally Hydris stayed up too because he wanted to help. Yeah "help" , he was probably going to try and woo Ilena all night long again. Kairo retired to his room long before the night's events even escalated he turned in after a drink or two and that was it.

The next morning I wake up early feeling well rested, I get up so early that I find some of the "manly man" of the village still drinking and proudly singing victory songs in the village center. As I passed close to were they were they had just started singing one of my newly found favorite melodies:

'Los rose from the seas and gave us land
Then without a trace he went and left
Years later, dark elves came
They attacked our lands, but we were saved
He spawned and sent, an heir in his place
To save us all from Vicuis' reign
Thank the gods for his loins
They are a blessing to Enore man...'

The rest of the song is even funnier, but it is a bit too much for the young ones. Though it's all in harmless fun, I had to convince Los to calm down and I saved Enore men from Los' wrath.

I have saved you twice in under two weeks. You are welcome Enore! Sigh.

The men seem to be having fun so I avoid going their way and decide to take a walk into the forest, which is still kind of dark since it's early in the morning.

After a little while I found myself at Isis' Rivulet, the stream that connects to a river a few kilometers east from here. Isis' Rivulet, named after the Van'roe siblings' mother... This is where I first met Ezaire. I take a seat on a boulder and look at the rays of the first morning sun creeping up from behind the trees and reminisce about the day the Ezaire or fairy dragon as Los would call her, tried to kill me.

I can't help but let out a smile at the thought of how much my life has changed since then and as if on cue to disturb my tranquil morning:

Well this is a pleasant morning. Flowing water, birds chirping away and Ip'es' first sun slowly getting ready to burn us all to a crisp. Oh and look, you are smiling, the gods must really be in a very good mood, either that or they are planning on causing trouble for me today. What is on your mind?

I let out a sigh. "Well, good morning to you too Los. Please, come and disturb me why don't you. Don't you usually sleep until the third sun is high up?"

Usually, but how often do we get to do this. Just us and the beautiful morning, do not tell me you wanted to hog this beautiful scenery all for yourself. We do not share memories you know? Los says and playfully sniffles.

"You know, for a dragon emperor you can be a real child at times."

I cannot help it, in dragon years I am technically still an adolescent you know, so-

"Wait, what?" I ask, taken aback by his comment.

Not important, what were you thinking about?

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