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"Hydris, do not throw the all-king's name around like that, the gods can hear you." My mother, Queen Amphi'er, hastens to her feet. "A false claim such as that will anger the sea gods and you will bring their wrath upon us all so watch your tongue child, I know you are scared, but-!"

"But it is not a false claim mother, she really is the daughter of the all-!"

"Hydris!" Triton cuts me off. "You are a disgrace, an outcast and now you have gone an extra step and you have become blasphemous. I thought you had fallen, but this... this is something else and Ladon, even though he said you were to either be thrown in prison or be acquainted with the goddess Abeh where you stand, I think I will skip former and pick the latter for you. Your death with cleanse the family's name."

Triton readies his sword and dagger, and takes a stance buffing himself up with speed magic and strength magic amongst other magic types and I can tell because his body is emitting a green glow.

One. Two. Three... I count him down to his attack and when he reaches his fifth buff and charges at me, but before I can draw my own sword he is right in front of me.

He goes for a straight attack at my stomach with the tip of his sword, but for someone who has just buffed himself up with so much magic... he is surprisingly slow.

If I am to die here, I cannot say I have not lived a fulfilled life. I met one of the most beautiful sky dragons in all of existence and that is enough for me even if I have only seen three. I met and served Ms. Losias even if it was just for a little while and this all happened in the last two weeks. My life, if this is the end, it has been well lived in the last few days and now I get to die in my father's home.

Triton is about to hit the hand I am stupidly putting up to block his attack, but he changes his target and quickly lifts his sword over his head and brings it down on my left shoulder, but someone steps in front of me and stops the blow before it does any serious damage to my shoulder.

I study the bulky figure in front of me with his curly hair swaying in the water and muscles tightening as he grips his sword harder keeping Triton's sword at bay.

"And just who do you think you are?" Triton bellows. My savior ignores Triton and looks back at me. "Draw your sword you idiot. Brother or not, this man intends to kill you, don't let emotions and titles decide the battle for you before you even fight and are you just going to receive death willingly in front of your benefactor who came all the way down here to clear your name?" Nirl gives me an ear full.

I look over at Losias and she is still standing on the same spot, looking on. Taking in new breath, I back up, unsheathe my sword and take a stance.

"Answer me you surface maggot!" Triton pushes Nirl back, but his efforts are rendered useless until Nirl puts some distance between the two of them.

"If you are not even worth Anname's glance then you are not worth my time." Nirl sheaths his sword and starts walking over to my Losias' side. "What? How dare you turn your back on me!" Triton charges at Nirl.

"Brother, no!"

Before my warning even has a chance to be registered, Nirl turns around to face an oncoming Triton and with ease, he summons fire and again... another un-sea thing and creates a ring around him and his fool of an opponent.

"What-what is this?" Triton demands.

"Your doom foolish serpent. You think your kind can hold a candle to the likes of me? Ha, don't make me laugh, burn where you stand you-"

"Nirl!" Losias shouts.


"This is Hydris' fight. He is a formidable warrior and a skilled swordsman, let him fight his own battle, don't let your emotions get the best of you."

"But he attacked me, what am I to do, let him have his way and-?"

What is she talking about? Why would Nirl's emotions get the best of him? Still in thought a sharp pain pierces my right shoulder and when I look down at it I find a dagger's hilt sticking out of my shoulder.

"This? This is what you call a formidable warrior? Ha! I will kill him first and then I will deal with you after, you insolent vermin."

"Hydris!" Molpe wails up in concern.


Anname's (tmp) POV

It is for his own betterment, if we fight for him, how then will he retain his honor? I ask Nirl ignoring the surprise attack that Triton just pulled right now which in all books of dirty tricks, has to be one of the dirtiest, even for a serpent.

I see your point, so this is all part of getting his honor back then? - Nirl.

Yes. What did you think, I'd just stand here and watch him get beaten to a pulp? Stand down and let him deal with his brother, it will help us all in moving forward with why we are here.

Okay, I see your point, I'll stand down. - Nirl.


Nirl straightens himself up and stops his attack. "Your benefactor has spoken Hydris, I will not assist you or let my own emotions interfere with this fight. This is a fight between brothers, not my own family and thus I will watch from the sidelines." Nirl says all formal like after having what seemed to be a discussion with Queen Losias through telepathy. He then sheaths his sword and walks off to stand next to Losias.

"Ha! Your so called 'benefactor' just abandoned you in your time of need, you are already wounded and by now the poison on that blade should already be in your blood stream." Triton laughs. Seconds later the doors to the throne room fly open and my dear old friend, Ail and a young guard walk into the room. "This battle is as good as over and after I have your head, I will have your benefactor's and that vermin's standing next to-"

Triton is cut short when something shoots past him and causes him to leap back, and face Losias. "A surprise attack? Well, as much as that was a good try, your aim is as fowl as that traitor's mouth over-"

"What in Sollas' name is going on here?" Ail shouts after he seems to have grasped the situation. "Hydris, what is this? Who are these people?"

"Triton, look! What is happening to him?" Second Queen Hetis shouts demanding everyone's attention and pointing at me.

They all look at me and find my purple turned shoulder retaining its healthy color with the poison exiting my body in the form of a dark purple liquid mixing in with the water and a few seconds later my vision clears up, and I see the dagger's hilt clearly, it is Triton's dagger.

"Now, the 'battle' as you put it," Losias speaks up with a grin before continuing. "which a moment ago was as good as over, is even yet again."

The water that shot by Triton wasn't aimed at him as he slowly starts realizing, but it was aimed at my shoulder and it was a blast of healing magic. Losias' magic, which runs through my veins right now, it is cleansing my being of Triton's vile poison.

I hear Lady Losias' voice in my head. Reclaim your honor and show your brother that you are not one to be walked over. The unjust, those that have been blinded, they will be made to see today and when their eyes are open, they will see you as a beacon of justice.

Oken Rebirth: Tales of An Unknown WorldHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin