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"Now, do any of you have a suggestion on how we should go about this? Elis? You have been awfully quiet since we began, care to add anything to this discussion?" Arker asks.

"Well I do not know if it will help," Elis says putting on her thinking face and reaching for the snack filled tray. "We could try and challenge the strongest beings down on Oken and see which one of them can hold a candle to a god. It would be nice to have new faces up here and a little bit of action down there."

"Hold a candle to a god you say?" Xrae probes.

"Not a candle per say, maybe imagine the light of our blazing might as a mountain of flames that one can see from miles away?" Elis shrugs.

"Hmm, but would it not take a long time and also cause us trouble in the long run?" Xrae asks.

"Depends on how you look at it really, it can also help us know who the strongest and weakest beings in all of Oken are." Elis speaks with a mouthful of sweet potatoes.

"Yes, but it will also bring about havoc if the gods personally went toe to toe against the mortals just to prove they are stronger than all life in Oken and the mortals, they might even forsake the gods on the large scale of things." Arker says.

"Hmm, so I guess I have got nothing, someone else can come up with something." Elis says moving the sphere orbiting over her head.

"What? The goddess of fate has nothing? Well then, if that is the case, there is nothing we can do but wait for Sollas to return." Abeh sits back and folds her arms.

"No, ordinarily when I called this meeting I already had a solution to all of this."

"Oh? And what might this solution be dear brother?." The goddess of death asks anxiously. "We pick the highest and strongest ranking Ark and have them claim the seat." Arker says to which Abeh lets out a sigh.

"Sure and while we are at it, why not replace every other Liegen with an Ark? We already did that twice brother, are you not satisfied with your creation having ascended twice and why does it always have to be your creation, why is it never a wraith or a demon?" she protests.

"You know why it cannot be a demon." Arker says giving the goddess of death a cold glare.

"Whatever the case, you are just being selfish and you are using what happened with the demons as a cover up." Abeh says in a sulk. "But alright then, why not a wraith?"

"First of all, the only wraith strong enough to even get close to claiming that seat is the reaper of souls Grim and he is weaker than the other divinities unless your act of death and name are put in play and secondly, we already have the goddess of death herself as a Liegen, why would we need two death bringers as high gods?" Arker asks.

"Just say you want your creation to claim the seat."

"It is not that at all Abeh, the truth is, your creation is just weak." Elis japes.

"Oh? Well you are one to talk about weak creations sister. Your creation was almost wiped off of the face of Oken by that warlock. What was his name again? Ron? Reed? Ram?"

"You keep your mouth shut!"

"Did I hit a nerve Elis? I am not the one that let my creation be brought this close to extinction by a mere warlock because I, what was it? Couldn't do anything about it you said?" Abeh presses on.

"I said shut up Abeh!"

The sphere circling around over her head starts flaring up with divine flames, the temple starts shaking violently as the goddess of fate is slowly covered by the flames and black mist sips from Abeh's clothes.

"What are you going to do little sister? Try and fight me?" the death goddess asks.

"Abeh! That is enough, you know there was nothing she could do about it. Now, seize this bickering at once!" Arker commands.

It takes a little while, but not a second longer when Arker releases a portion of his power. "Whatever." Abeh's black mist returns into her clothes and she clicks her tongue as she takes her sit.


"Could we have an Elven goddess this time?" Xrae tries to change the subject. "But, lady Xrae we already have one, I am right here." Teyr speaks up in concern.

"So why have you been so quiet my little elven muse?"


"I am just teasing."

Elis lets out a sigh. "Well, since you do not want to come to a conclusion," she says heading for the colossal entrance doors. "Let me help you." She says taking on her compressed mortal form and snaps her fingers on her way out of the room.

"Elis!" Abeh bellows.

"Let her go Abeh." Xrae says.

"Wait, what did she do, what is this?"

"Knowing her, it is something that is probably going to cost us all a lot. All thanks to you Abeh, you just had to go and bring that up." Xrae says after answering Teyr's question.

You will all probably want to get started on this or you will all lose to me. Here is a quick explanation, every one of you is to pick someone who will try and claim the twelfth seat as well as represent you as you will vouch for them. Elis's voice sounds off in everyone's head. The chosen people will be referred to as candidates and they can be anyone as long as they meet the set standard.

That scroll you see in front of you, is the scroll of fate, mortals down below have already acquired this and it will vanish from every being not chosen to be a god candidate in a total span of ten Oken days, but it will remain to the chosen candidates as well as the gods. To have access the scroll, one must be on land because the sea is vast and I do not wish to trespass into Sollas' domain while it is still in his claim.

"It would seem Elis has concluded our meeting for us, but at what cost?" goddess Teyr says under her breath still looking at the scroll in front of her.

"Well whatever this is, we asked for it. I mean we turned down her idea on what we should do, so whatever this is... we, no, Abeh, you are to blame."

That is right Xrae, but for now, let me explain what we are going to do. Put simply, you just need to find someone to claim Sollas' seat. What will you have to gain from it you ask? Well, that will be discussed after you all find eligible god candidates.

The candidates will have to prove themselves, so their strength, power and abilities will be put to the test through a series of battles and at the end of it all the strongest candidate will claim the seat. We are all to pick a god candidate in the next ten days to be able to participate in this event.

And yes, this is going to be an event, I cannot be bored and bothered by mortal prayers at the same time. I will contact Tron, when the candidates have been selected and have him prepare everything for the selection.

As for the scroll of fate, well that is your status. Think of it as a gift from me to you, it has personal information about you and long story short, it has basic information about whoever can see it. It is easy to understand, just give it a read and you will see what I mean. And now, as much as our short and erratic gatherings are always heartwarming, I must bid you all farewell. Elis's voice goes quiet leaving everyone to their thoughts.

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