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"Ann! Anna!" I wake up to Jasmine shaking me. "Miss, you are awake. Finally."

I sit up and still trying to adjust my eyes to the light I turn to her.

"Are you okay? What happened?" she asks.

"Well, Hydris and I got back a little while ago and I just finished preparing a meal for you. He is taking a bath now in a spring we found a cave not that far from here and I came back to get you."

"What do you mean you came back to get me, you were just here with-"My eyes finally adjust and I realize something. Everything is okay but... I am in a cave? Isn't this the same cave I went to sleep in earlier?

Was that all a dream? What happened to Axera? Where is Ezaire? And... was that an explosion....?

Ah, so you remember it too? I don't think that was a dream, dreams are one of the few things we do not share, so that was most definitely real.

Los. What happened? How are we back here?

I don't know... I... I don't think we ever-, AHHHH!

LOS, what's-?!


My brain feels like it wants to crack open my skull and...


"Anname! What's wrong?!" Jasmine catches me from my fall. "Anname!"

Wake up you log, it's already morning and we need to get ready to head for the... dungeon.

I slowly open my eyes and I am met by white sheets lazily waving in the water around me.

"Miss Ann, good morning. I have prepared a bath for you and your breakfast will be brought to your chambers after you are-"

"What time is it?" I ask, cutting off Yumei, my assigned caretaker.

"It's six in the morning my lady. You are supposed to journey to Rola'ac today." She says taking a bow. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah... but for some reason I have this weird feeling that... I don't know... it's not supposed to be today or something like that-"

You too? I have this feeling that there is a blank space in my head right now... I don't know what it is, but it feels like we've already been through this day.

Right? But maybe it's just nothing, Deva-vu, maybe.

I get up and do the same routine I have done for the last couple of days, after I'm done, I meet up with Hydris and his chosen escort; Jasmine, since they're newlyweds now.

Yeah, that happened way faster than I thought it would. They warmed up to each other and I was the match maker since I've been spending a lot of time with Jasmine.

The three of us head out with a royal send off, I long told them I needed no escort and they tried to put up a fight on that, but Hydris jumped in and spoke for me on my behalf saying; "Do you doubt the all-queen's abilities to take care of herself? Plus I am the only escort she needs at this point so do not insult our queen and respect her wishes."

It takes us a day to reach the lands of Mio'c and after a little bit of scouting we finally found the dungeon, but both Los and I agreed that something was off about us going in there. It is the same feeling we had when I woke up this morning, I am not sure what it is, same as Los, but we are not about to take any chances. I mean, even Lo... the dragon emperor, is a little skeptical about it so we decide not to head inside and put off going in and see about Mio'c.

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