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"Annabelle, who is this sorceress? Call the guards this instant!" Zera commands.

"Another mistake... I am no sorceress and you, you my dear elf, you talk too much so hush." I put my finger to my lips and gesture her to keep quiet. "And you, get over here." Annabelle complies and walks towards the throne until she is looking up at me.

"Alright then, now. Where is Anname Felhaim?" I ask.

"She is dead."

"Is she now? Oh, so bold of you to lie, but I was just with Abeh a little while ago and she told me that Anname is not in the realm of the dead, so, where is she? Or better yet, what did you do to her?"

"Last I saw of her she was battered and bruised, bleeding from all the beatings I gave her. I sold her off to two guards who did what they wanted with her and in exchange they gave me entrance into the castle as a maid. I then worked my way up from there into the bed of the King's brother, Lord-"

"What do you mean you sold her? Do you know how valuable she is to me?" I snap and get up from the throne. "WHAT HAPPENED TO HER AFTER YOU SOLD HER, WHERE DID THESE GUARDS TAKE HER?"

Her knees give out and she falls to the floor. "They said they threw her into the sea, she wasn't valuable on the black market and they wouldn't make any profit from her."

After hearing that, I completely lose it. "DO YOU REALIZE WHAT YOU HAVE DONE?"

"Yes, I sold her off to two guards in exchange for-"


I send a wave of very weak magic her way, but she still flies off and crushes into the wall on the other end of the room. I pace around for a little bit. "Come back here." I demand and she gets up, injuries and all, and makes her way to me.

"For you insolence Annabelle Felhaim of Kiot, you shall live your life miserably, death will not befall you, but you will feel pain tenfold no matter how minor or major it may be. You will grow old and feel that pain as well, your life will be even lower than that of a slave and no matter what, you will not leave this kingdom nor will you be thrown out of this castle. You will remain a concubine to the foolish lord you have been conspiring with and you will bare him a great many children who, just like you, will carry this curse with them, all of this excluding the child you gave life to not so long ago. Only one person in all of Oken will be able to release you from this curse and there is a possibility that that one person is dead, so I see no way out of this for you. This is your punishment and I, Elis, Liegen goddess of Fate and prophecy, deem it so." I look down at her after instructing her to kneel. She bursts out crying as her fate is changed and she is bound to a new one.

"And you," I look at the Zera. "you are kind, but your time amongst inge has slowly corrupted your being and I do not like it."

Fixing this will probably make Xrae owe me so I will do it.

"You will leave this land and go back to your homeland, where you will live the remainder of your life. Do not concern yourself with the matters of men for if you do so you will surely die, this is your punishment for the tone you took with me earlier."

"Mmmm, mmmmm, mmmm..." Zera tries to speak.

"Hush, what is done is done. I will take my leave now, so a merry day to you both and it most certainly was not a pleasure meeting the both of you today." I use teleport to leave the room and my view changes from a pitiful one to one of vast water, the sea.

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