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Before being summoned here, Hydris was well on his way to negotiate peace between the kingdom of the Krabkin, Oistus and his own.

He was to offer his hand to the princess of Oistus, but Hydris was forcefully taken from his escort three days away from their destination and summoned to the surface.

After his coming to the surface he was taken aback by my being Los's daughter, which I'm not, but if I was really his daughter, as I understand it from Los, transformation would be so much easier and it wouldn't feel like I'm being exorcised when we train.

Anyway, upon learning that I was Los's daughter, he somewhat forgot about the claw having princess, who I'm only guessing she has claws because, well, Krabkin so crab claws and whatnot.

Now I have just reminded him of his duties and he thinks he has brought shame to his family because he abandoned his mission, came here and completely forgot about it somehow while they were on the brink of war. Which reminds me, a lot is happening out there, apparently there is war brewing between Norsi'er and Sin'er.

Sin'er has a way of rubbing other nations the wrong way, the kingdom is like a stubborn child that never learns and now that the Prince of Orion is about to marry Princess Yuna Evandel of Sin'er, they probably think Orion will back them up. Putting two and two together, I highly doubt that's going to happen, but hey it's okay to be ambitious.

Back to Hydris, I honestly don't blame him. If I was him and I was to be married off to some Krab girl, I'd get as far away as I can and forget my problems too even if it is just for a couple of days. Maybe even meet someone, a male version of Ilena.

[Oh my, wouldn't that be something. A tall and gorgeous young man with a perfectly built body, toned bisects and long wavy crimson hair. Oh, that man would be a dream.]

"Anname, are you okay?"

[Riding on a white horse as gorgeous as he is with a great sword in his hand and a glorious bulge print on his slacks. A deep voice to match the deep look in his eyes, white sparkling teeth and-]

"Ann!" Someone shouts pulling me out of my daydream.


"You're drooling you oaf, what are you thinking about? You better not be thinking about food at a time like this." Ezaire retorts.

[Food... His lips could taste just as good as the best prepared dish in all of Oken. They'd be plump and cherry red from all the apples he'd be eating, yes, he should taste like apples. Apples and-]

"Ann!" Ezaire snaps me out of trance again.

"Huh?" I give my perfectly constructed answer a second time. "Can you focus?"

Wiping my mouth. "Oh, yes." My gods that is a lot of drool, I guess I've been at it for a little while huh?

You sure are hopeless sometimes, thank the gods I cannot tell what you are thinking when you use that godawful skill of yours. I can tell from the way your body is hot, you were having lustful thoughts

Leave me be. I'm a growing girl, I have needs too you know.

To Reigon's doorstep with your needs. Focus.

I roll my eyes in-thought.

Okay, the two kingdoms, Iphias and Oistus. What do you know about them?

A lot, but not so much when it comes to modern events. Iphias is the kingdom of sea serpents and Oistus is the kingdom of Krabkin, crab humanoids, I'm sure you already got that part.

Both rulers to the two Kingdoms are old friends and they served under me once, but if I know those two brats that call themselves Kings as well as I do, they hardly ever saw eye to eye on anything and I doubt things got any better after I just up and vanished.

Okay, I guess I got it. What should I do? I don't know anything about war and conflict, I don't know what to do and what do I do about Hydris, he's devastated.

I doubt I can help you, but you're a Su'un born child and my 'daughter', the latter title gives you rule over all seas and all that is under it and your mind is constantly thinking one step ahead thanks to your birth month's patron.

You are well if not overly qualified and capable of handling a war that hasn't even started yet. Believe me, if those two were to go at it, the seas would show the disturbance and constant fighting. My advice is you can try and do the heroic thing and help your subject in any way you can.

Okay, but how? I hear what you are saying, but how am I supposed to help him, he thinks he's a disgrace, if not something worse.

Hmm, okay, I guess I'll help you. I'm not too thrilled about this, but I'm not sure if you'll be open to the idea.

What? If it will help Hydris then I'll do it.

Alright then, go to the nadirs of the seas, meet both kings, and try and put a stop to their childish behavior.

"WHAT?" I think I said that out loud because now everyone is staring at me. Oh no.

"What was that?" Ezaire with her folded arms turns to face me. "Can you take this seriously?"

I am taking it seriously. Sigh. "Okay, I think I have an idea." I say.

No, you do not have an idea, I have an idea. You are just going to execute it.

Hush, the grownups are talking.


Nothing, best comeback I could think of, now hush, let me get this out.

"What idea?" Hydris sniffles. He looks like a lost cub.

I relay to them Los's idea of having me meet the two kings that are causing havoc in the seas so I can try and get them to stop if they're already at it. Naturally when I'm done giving out the plan everyone's jaw is at floor level.

"Miss Anname, are you sure you'd like to journey down to Iphias and meet my father as well as King Urkinos?" Baby Hydris asks.

I give him a nod and just like that he forgets his princely ways and he wails.

"Thank you... Thank you... Thank you..."

So, you are going to go huh? Great. Oh, show him your resolve.

What resolve Los?

You're going to go and see the two kings as well as restore his honor are you not?

Yes? I'm going to try.

Then show him you're serious about it, it's the noble thing to do at a time like this.

How serious can it get after I just said I'm going there?

Listen to me. Show-him-your-resolve.

Fine, fine, how do I show him that?

Say something bold and noble about him not being a disgrace.

I sigh. Something like what Los?

Think of something, I can't think for you every time.

You can be exhausting sometimes you know that? But okay, I remember reading something in one of Ezaire's adventure books. Let's see.

I pat Hydris' head. "There there young one, death will befall me before dishonor does you."

He pulls back and looks at me, his eyes red from all the crying and his nostrils dripping. He says nothing and just wails even louder embracing me again.

Well this is nice. I think with a smile. A bit icky, but nice.

After he calms down we decide to discuss something else over lunch. I didn't even realize it was lunch time already.

"Alright then, I do believe we are done here. We'll set for Iphias before the first sun takes to the skies so be ready by then and get some rest." Ezaire says.

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