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Anname's POV

Are you sure this is a good idea?

Why yes, why wouldn't it be. If either one of you step in to fight for him, his honor will not return as strong as it would have if he fought this fight alone so leave him be.

Okay, if you think it'll help him, then we'll stand down. I'm already tired from all of this, first the whole ordeal with the guards, and then jumping and crashing through the roof. That took it out of me Los, why didn't you tell me we had a lot to do before meeting this King.

It did not come up on conversation, now hush, let us see how this fight pans out.

The fight doesn't even last long, after healing Hydris, he quickly morphs into his serpent form and shoots a [water canon] from his mouth with just enough pressure to turn a whole building to rubble and Triton is knocked out cold after taking six of these.

Apparently the moment Hydris takes on his serpent form only a few of his siblings can hold a candle to his power, but unfortunately for Triton, he is not one of the few siblings that can.

Hydris walks over to Nirl and I after morphing back to his humanoid form and explains that the reason Triton probably decided to hit him with a poisoned dagger. "...he has been looking for a way to even the plain field between the two of us since we were kids, he thinks that my being able to morph at a young age helped me master the transformation and nature it more than other serpents our age."

"And he can't morph?" I ask.

"He can, but for some reason he prefers to try and best me in any and every way possible except getting stronger in his serpent form." Hydris replies.

"I see, well then, you did good Hydris." I look at the unconscious Triton. "Now, wake up and apologize." Los sends a wave of magic his way and he shoots up to his feet shouting and swinging his sword.

He looks at me, his body probably drenched in a sweat which I say probably because we are underwater, but with the way he is panting and shaking there's no doubt in my mind that these two actions are followed by a cold sweat.


"Apologize." Los repeats himself, a rarity a few have gotten to experience apparently.

"I beg your pardon? I am the sixth prince of Iphias, I do not apologize to or for any-!"

"Apologize!" Authority pushes against the walls of my voice and Triton finches taking a few steps back. "Now."

The conversation takes a different turn with Triton quickly becoming very apologetic and for some reason everyone in the throne room takes a knee or a slight bow, I look at myself and find that I am in my Dragonoid form.

Los. I slap my forehead mentally. Why would you do that without letting me know first?

It just happened.

And that was his answer as to why we're dead. I say as though I am talking to the goddess of death after she asks me why we died so young.

Smart mouth? Well never mind it, I will revert back in a moment, let me just talk to Ail for a minute.

Fine. I let a sigh escape my lips.

"General Ail, I sent for you because I understand that you are the one overseeing the military power of Siphious in the absence of General Menlo instead of one of the princes. If this is correct, would you be so kind as to have someone attend to your forces outside and if you'd be so so kind as to lift the order given by Ladon to kill my dear Hydris here, I would very much appreciate it." Los says looking at the kneeling lieutenant he had the young guard Hilary call for after we separated from Nirl and Hydris.

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