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"Oh, hey, didn't see you there. You sure took your time and I hardly ever have guests over so please mind not the mess, 'tis always a mess around here."

[Character Question]

"Huh? Oh, no, wasn't expecting you until well, 'til the day of the fallen, but since you're already here let's just brush over a few things. Allow me to clean up first, yes?" [Valmir valadis esparante] "Okay, while the place cleans itself up, take a walk with me."

[Character Question]

"Huh? Oh, no, don't worry about that, one of the good things that come with mastering magic... the ability to cut down manual labor, you'll get used to it or maybe you've already gotten used to it? Ha-ha, anyway, worry not about it... 'tis not important right now. What is important though is that you're not supposed to here yet or is it I'm not supposed to be here yet?" *Thinking* "Well either way we're both not supposed to be here yet here we are so why try and change that, right?"

[Character Answer]

"Right. Oh, where are my manners, I forgot introduce myself the last time we met. You probably don't remember, but we've met before, I've been giving you information about this world from the sidelines. Name's Glaucus Lor, an author, philosopher, sorcerer, dead man, oracle all these among many other titles, but the one that stands out above all else is my being the lost oracle of Atlantis. You can just call me author if you like and forget all the other fancy titles I've had bestowed upon over the centuries, 'tis simpler that way, no? Great."

[Character Question]

"Well yes, I am, but no. I mean I wouldn't be much of an oracle if the afterlife claimed my soul now would I?" Ha-ha! "Anyway, since you've gotten this far I can only imagine that you're interested in seeing what happens next, right?"

[Character Answer]

"Alright then. Tea?"

[Character Answer]

"No? Well, more for me then. Alright, now before we continue with the story let me try and help you get to know some of the people or characters, as you would call them, you've already met so far. Them and some you haven't, but will be important pieces that'll later be introduced in this game of the gods... or so to say. Let's take a seat right here and start from the top. Yes?"

[Character Answer]

"Great." Takes a seat "Now, I'm only going to tell you about some of them so don't expect me to talk about every single person you've met so far okay," sips tea. "and for better understanding I'll use a type of magic that'll allow you to see some of these individuals called [vedere]."

[Character Question]

"Hmm. Alright then, let us begin. To start things off we have the Liegen gods, of course I could start with the primordial gods, but no mortal alive has ever seen them before and if anything or anyone was to claim such they'd probably identify the primordial gods as the very elements or sources of life and/or death we see or feel all around us"

[Character Question]

"That's a good question and what I mean is this, take the primordial deity Ter, she is the primordial goddess of light, she can be seen or thought of as the very source of light in Axera and that she divided herself into seven parts to give light to the world. Another example, Sor, the primordial god of love, he can be thought of as the very heart that pumps blood through your veins, the organ itself, whereas the Liegen-goddess of love Xrae, is just like fire to wood. With or without the fire, the wood is still wood, burnt or not. I could create a sun out of [vedere] or a plank, but that wouldn't be much help to us now would it?"

[Character Answer]

"Right, you're a smart one. I like that. Alright we'll just cover the fifteen Liegen-gods in order of their sits at the grand table for now and if we have time we'll talk about the hero of this here story and the hero's companions, okay?"

[Character Answer]

"Oh, but before that, here's a little history lesson for you."

Long ago, darkness ruled over all that was and with it one being sat at the center of all the nothingness, Aos, the personification and primordial god of darkness. For years he sat here in his own comfort, in his own silence, meditating and listening to his own terrifying peace. Eons later, he rose up from his meditation, bored with the cold peace and with a frustrated roar he ripped the darkness around him thus light was born and with it a second being came into existence - the personification and primordial goddess of light, Ter.

Ter and Aos, the first two primordial gods, came together and from them came seven children known as the Siren-gods. These Siren-gods in order of birth are the goddess of day, the goddess of night, the god of the underworld, the goddess of nature, the god of the skies, the god of the seas and finally a notable one, Oion the god of life, they are the ones who gave the framework to the first Oken, then known as Aneos.

[Character Question]

"Yes, they lived on Oken, but again, it was known then as Aneos. Now, to continue."

Several beings were also given life, but this time by the Siren gods, beings like your spirits and giants.

Eons went by with the two Primordial gods and their seven children living peacefully, until Aos and Ter started fighting over who should have rule over all that was and from their battle - love, fate, time and space came into existence. With the four came two more primordial gods, Sor the primordial god of love and Mira, the primordial goddess of fate as well as their two sons, the Siren gods Eil the Siren god of time and Yuin the Siren god of space.

Sor and Mira helped put a stop to the chaos that caused a lot of calamity and brought forth destruction and with it Yuun'nga, the primordial goddess of destruction or as others believe a child of fate and darkness who badly wounded the Siren-god Oion.

With the rise of Yuun'nga the gods saw a threat to their existence, Sor and Ter came together and gave life to Aeis, primordial goddess of construction who helped put Yuun'nga away and to this day keeps her at bay.

After peace enveloped the cosmos, the gods left the world in which they lived for it was now destroyed, they even went on to rename the world to Oken, meaning 'a broken world' and shortly after the birth of Sor and Mira's five other children the Siren goddess of misery, the Siren god of word and magic, the Siren goddess of peace, the Siren goddess of compulsion and finally Siren goddess of might.

Oion passed and became the first ever deity to do so, his passing as you can already guess was due to the wounds of the battle and he became the very act of procreation after he and Agerai sired Pane the Liegen god of procreation. Sor and Mira also later gave life to Axera, the Liegen goddess of divinity.

"Now, excluding Axera and Pane who later ascended and became Primordial gods, let's touch on the fifteen Liegen-gods. They are children of the strongest and oldest Siren gods with an exception of some who are the strongest children of some of the other Siren gods."

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