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Character POV

"I almost died... And damn, she's fast." I get up.

If I hadn't pulled out my dagger in time I would've been the one laying on the ground right now

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If I hadn't pulled out my dagger in time I would've been the one laying on the ground right now.

Looking at the dagger in my hand I turn and look over the spoils of my kill, but to my surprise I am met with a different scene.

Wait, why are there two black tigers here? I thought I only killed one. Where did the other tiger come from... and why is my sword stained with-?

"Oh Arker. What have I done?" I kneel down next to the bleeding girl. "SHE WENT THIS WAY!" someone shouts from the same direction the girl came from.

What? I turn and after a few minutes go by, a few people run through the stream until the get close and I can make out their faces.

"Ezaire? Is that you?" one of the men asks after running up to me with four other men behind him.

"Nirl?" I look up at him with a confused expression.

"Lady Ezaire." two of the other four men say in unison as they get closer.

"Nirl. What are you doing this far out in the forest?" I ask him ignoring the other men.

"We were chasing that girl on the ground over there, but it seems like you've already taken care of her." Nirl says trying to catch his breath.

"Chasing her? Why?" I ask looking down at the girl.

"She... she did something to Ilena..." he trails off when I quickly turn back and our eyes lock.

"Ilena? What happened to Ilena? Is she okay?"

"I... don't know, I found her unconscious on the floor and right after that we chased this girl. I used fire magic on her, but somehow she was still able to run all the way-" he replies with the same guilty tone he just used to tell me something happened to Ilena, but stops after taking a look at the girl's arms. "Wait, why doesn't she have any burn marks on her hands? I thought I hit her with-"

"What? You don't know how Ilena is, yet you are here chasing this... this girl? How reckless can you be Nirl?" I get up from the girl's side and sheath my dagger, making my way towards the part of the forest the girl, Nirl and the four men came running from. "Collect the crest stones from those tigers and get Bethel, and my sword." I give the order as I walk past the four men.

"Lady Ezaire, what about the girl?" One of the men asks.

"Bring her along, she has to answer for whatever it is she did to Ilena."

The trip back to the village doesn't take long, I ride at full speed with the now unconscious and patched up girl on Bethel's back. Nirl and his party of four use Nirl's wind magic to try and keep up with Bethel's speed and when we reach the house, we are met by a small crowd by the entrance.

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