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She finishes her chant with a green glow enveloping her body matching the silverback's malicious radiance.

"What?" I stand there in shock at what she just said.

The omega, as if having postponed its attack for her to finish, charges and tanned spirit and she mirrors the wolf's speed meeting half way with Nia familiarizing her mace with the wolf's bottom jaw. The wolf yelps in pain, but that doesn't last long as its pain quickly turns into rage and it gnashes its teeth at Nia who easily moves out of the way evading the jaws of death.

I can't help but stare in amazement as I look at the supposed spirit battle a silverback omega wolf, it's not something one gets to see every day. I wonder what level and rank she holds and she said she is El Asil's consort, does that mean she's his wife or just a companion? Either way, she knows El, but for now I better make sure that Gabriel is okay.

I sheathe dracaena's wrath after having it revert back to noname and rush over to Gabriel's side, quickly turning to see the fight. The fight is getting intense because the omega looks like it's done playing with its food and it's starting to go all out now.

I slap Gabriel's face without looking at him, my attention has been grasped by the spirit of the Nornian forests and the omega wolf. I can't bring myself to look away any more than I already have.

Gabriel groans when I slap his face a couple more time and I shake his body with my eyes on the fight the whole time. "Damn it, Gabriel idiot Latel, wake up. We need to get out of here." I say giving him a slap so hard I take my eyes off the fight to see if he is okay.

"Huh, what? What's happening? Am I in Ragnor?" He asks opening his eyes. "No my dear friend, you are still alive. The goddess of death has not claimed you yet." I answer him and help him up to his feet.

"What's happening then? All I remember is this omega silverback and a... tanned... girl," His sight adjust to see the spectacle of a fight taking place before his eyes. "My gods, is she dealing damage to an omega alone?" His eyes shoot wide open.

"And that's not the most surprising thing about her." I say not able to hold back my toothy grin. "What do you mean?"

"She is a spirit from Nor." A feminine voice speaks up from our right flank causing us both to stiffen just to find the twins making their way towards us.

I forgot about them for a second there.

"So, you heard her too right? I am not the only one?" I ask. "Oh, I am fine. No permanent damage, just a little bruise, thank you for asking." Bell says with what I can obviously tell is something between sarcasm and 'say something stupid right now, I swear on whatever divinity you may pick, I will stab you in the gut.'

"S-sorry Bell, I lost all focus to the fight."

"Whatever." She folds her arms, looks away and pumps out her prominent chest. I apologize a little bit more until Gabriel cuts in asking what we're going on about Nia being a spirit of Nor.

"Okay, her name is Nia, we found her in the woods while the two of you were slacking off, oh, wait, looking for potential threats," She glares at me. "just like our friend yesterday, she was on an unbelievable quest to get the pelt of an omega silverback. We found her while she was deeply concentrated on stalking that ferocious beast, be we didn't know that and the beast picked up our scent.

When it saw us the spirit over there quickly attacked, told us to flee giving us a running chance and it-, long story short, the silverback chased us here, but it didn't get to us because the young man from the other day came out of nowhere and held the wolf down saying, this is your kill my dear Nia, I won't help you kill it. I'll just hold it until you get those elves there to safety. Meet me at their cavern's entrance when you are done, I'll wait for you there." Nel says as we all look at the fight.

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