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"Wait, wait, wait! I mean you no harm!" I say as I come out of hiding and I am greeted by two girls. Both beautiful in their own right, one looks like she's sixteen, with long red hair and the other one looks like she is just about the same age as I am with long black hair, but maybe she's a year younger than I am.

I really don't want to suffer the same fate as the rest of my crew. Wait, how am I even still alive? If anything I should be laying on the ground with the rest of my crew.

"I let you live. I have a couple of questions for you and you'll be wise to answer me and truthfully at that." The red-haired girl speaks up.

Funny, even though she is just a child I'm actually terrified of her. She makes an irritated face.

"O-, okay." I say.

"First off, what is your name, elf?"

"I am Kairo Iriem, a hybrid elf from Fel'ier. I am half dark elf and half light-"

"I am Ezaire Van'roe and I do not care for what you are or where you are from," She cuts me off. "just answer my questions, nothing more. Now, what is Razul's fleet doing here and how did you find this place?" She shoots another question my way.


"You'd be wise to answer me elf." Ezaire says letting out a menacing aura.

"Our scouts sensed the aura of four dragons here using the sacred art magic blind search and thanks to that we were able to find this island. We are here to capture the dragons and bring them back to our lord."

"Dragons you say? I see, okay and these scouts you speak of, where is are they right n-, wait, four dragons? But there are only three dragons on this island. Where is this fourth you speak of?" Ezaire asks.

"I-, I don't know, but we were separated into groups of four in order to find them all and out of all the groups I think mine is the only one that has found their assigned target so far and I am guessing that dragon is you, yes?

"That's none of your business, but I am confident that Ilena and Nirl will be able to hold their own against your kin considering how easy your group was to beat." She says.


She paces back and forth, thinking.

"Could I ask something?"

Idiot, don't ask.


"The young lady next to you, by any chance could I inquire as to what her name is?"

Ezaire looks at the girl and sighs. "Elves." She says, looking disappointed. "Well, not like it's going to matter because you'll be dead soon, but this is Anname." Ezaire introduces the black haired girl.

"Anname, such a beautiful name. Might you be a witch by any chance? The aura you are giving off is that of someone familiar with the works of magic." I continue to give into my stupidity and ask more questions, but this time my question is answered by Anname.

"No, I am not a witch." Anname answers.

Well, I was hoping for more, but I guess that's good enough... and her voice!

"Forgive my being nosey, but if not a witch then what exactly are-?"

Link: [We've captured two of the dragons and we're heading back to the ship. Any word on the third and fourth dragons?] A familiar and vile voice sounds off in my head.

[NOTE: Link, a form of telepathy that allows communication between two or a group of people]


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