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Anname's POV

"All hail Losias, daughter of the great dragon emperor of the seas

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"All hail Losias, daughter of the great dragon emperor of the seas." The village chief speaks up over the cheers, laughter and celebratory melodies.

The village calms down and everyone gives their attention to him before he continues.

"Los brought this island up from the depths of the sea and gifted it to the sky dragon queen as a sign of friendship, love and peace. Four moons ago this island was attacked and almost brought to ruin by Razul's men, but hope, hope and salvation were brought to us in the form of Anname. We were graced by the presence of the bloodline of the great dragon emperor as well as the serpent prince, Hydris, if it had not been for them, as well as our dear Lady Ezaire, we would have lost this beautiful and magical place we call home." Chief Cordjo, says and walks up to me.

In no time at all he's standing right in front of me presenting his staff, the representation of power and authority in the village, to me who's sitting on a high chair in the middle of the village center.

He moves fast for an old geezer. I think to myself.

To my left, the three Van'roe siblings sit in silence, observing the ceremony. To my right side, a tall young man, Hydris in his human form - he stands covered in reptilian scales with short hair centered on his head and the sides shaved, traditional Enore wardrobes that leave one side of his chest and arm exposed to the night's air and a harpoon in hand.

Kairo stands in the crowd also dressed in the village's traditional wardrobes and looks on in awe as the ceremony takes place.

"I present this to you o-great dragon empress, please, claim this island as your own, for from the sea it once came and to the sea, today it shall return. As it was your father's gift to our people, the people of Enore give it back to you, daughter of Atlantis, to do as you please with." Chief Cordjo says and hands me his staff.

Well who would've thought this would happen? Not so long ago I was just Anname the girl from Orion and now I am Anname Losias, daughter of a dragon emperor. How did that even happen?

Enore| Four days ago

"I think we should get going now. We still need to make sure that there are no damages to the village and see to it that the villagers are okay." I say avoiding Ezaire's questions and let out a smile.

"Okay, let's get going then, but we'll talk about this later."

"Yeah... later." I say half-heartedly.

Tell Hydris to morph into his human form. Los says.

He has a human form?

All divinities have one. Well... some of us do.

And when were you going to tell me this?

I just did.

Alright... I can't really argue with that. So you have one too?

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