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Hey there, it's me again, Walter. So with this we have reached 52 parts with Oken Rebirth. Feels pretty good huh?

The story has taken a couple of confusing turns (to most) and interesting turns (to some), but sadly we're at a point where we must decide... would you like the story to continue?

I don't know how we're going to do this, but I had an idea, I'll put this story up as complete until we get 30 votes on this part. This will show that about 30 people actually want to read this story, they're enjoying it and they want it to continue.

If you have any suggestions, leave them [HERE] as well as questions about the story and its future. Until this part here reaches 30+ votes, this is goodbye from the Oken world (after the next few chapters). May magic find hearth in your heart🐉

Oken Rebirth: Tales of An Unknown WorldWhere stories live. Discover now