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"And now that you are all here, allow me to explain what is going to happen." Tron speaks up from above us. He looks bigger now, bigger and more "godly"

"This was a bit unexpected, but I have been informed that it is time for the selection to begin. All the other candidates have arrived and they have been divided into their groups. Only two remain and you are one of those two."

I look at Dercaris and he is still laying on the ground unconscious. Kind of reminds me of when I met him with Hagias a few days ago.

"We will take no part in this Elis, let us go!" Los threatens through his teeth.

"Unfortunately, I cannot do that. I need Anname and she has saved me the time to look for her other two companions for this tournament, with one of them being that boy over there and the other-" she gestures towards a door and a red haired girl steps out with bruises and scars all over her face and body.

Who is she? Another goddess?

She walks closer and Los says something as if remembering who this person is.

"The fairy dragon? What is she doing here?"

"Fairy dragon?"

There's something like that here?

Los turns back to normal, probably giving Anname back control of her body.

"Ezaire?! What are you doing here?" she asks

"Well Elis came looking for you back on Atlas and long story short, she didn't find you, Nirl came back from the sea a day later with a whole army of architects and told us everything that happened. Elis then spent the next few days..."

They take each other by the hand and chat up in a corner, Anname didn't take her eyes off the goddess, not even for a second. Probably Los making sure nothing happens.

After a short while they come back and Anname is calm now. I woke up Dercaris and filled him in on what was happening, no surprise he almost fainted, but who wouldn't; it's not everyday mortals get to visit the land of the gods.

"Alright, now that you have all caught up I will give you some time to rest. The tournament will begin in 48 hours, it's way over the set day, but the Salwns are being kept in check by the older water gods so we can rest easy and take our time for now." Elis says.

[What? What is this about the water gods?]

"Right. I cut off your communication with the world. Well, in short Sollas has not been seen or heard from for centuries and now, after years and years of somewhat peaceful times in the deep blues, the seven seas are no longer their usual cool and calm selves as the Salwn-sea gods fight over rule."

"What? How didn't we know this?" Anname's female companion; Jasmine asks.

"Yeah, we've been in the sea this whole time." Hydris adds.

"Well, the Salwn gods have kept far from the four main sea nations thanks to Los' aura and they have decided to take over the other kingdoms and cause a lot of trouble for land dwellers that live off what the seas give. Even the inland Salwn water gods are rebelling, thinking one of them should rule over all the waters.

Only a select few can help put the seas at ease and restore both peace and balance to Oken as the other Liegen-gods cannot intervene or trespass into another Liegen-god's domain without having first met the set divine laws or without a domain's Liegen-god's consent, you know this Los." goddess Elis answers

This is really real. I'm in the presence of gods and I'm on Axera, but wait...

"Why not just let one of the Salwn gods become the Liegen goddess, why get a different person to do it?" I ask a question that's now probably on everyone's mind.

"Ah yes, the hidden gem. The one that doesn't belong. Well my dear giant friend, most of the Salwn gods share one thing in common and that is the destruction of all land. Sure it would be fun to see Hel and his Salwn gods go toe to toe with the sea gods, but that would put the rest of the gods at a disadvantage. We need both land and water and right now none of us can enter the sea realm.

There could be one good Salwn that would rule and keep the peace and balance, but Arker does not want to take chances, I have seen his future and he blames me when it all goes south if we pick a Salwn. So, my alternative was get someone with no ties to the sea and get them to be the next sea god until Sollas returns or forever if it comes to that."

I take a moment to process all of this.

"I see. Okay then, my companion and I here will take no part in this. This seems more like a divinity problem than it does my problem and as you can see I am not one of divine status. I take it we have a choice, no?"

"What?" Tron exclaims. "You would turn down the chance to be a god?"

"Honestly? Yeah, in a heartbeat." I answer. This seems to shock everyone in the room except for Elis. "You don't seem surprised." I point out.

"No, not at all, I expected something like this to happen." Elis says.

"Oh? How come?" I probe.

"Well you are the spawn of a giant and an elf which on its own is unheard of and from the way your aura is I can tell it is masked, meaning you are trying to hide something. Something that even I, a goddess, cannot seem to see.

There is so much more to you than meets the eye, you could have defeated Tron here if you wanted to, but if I was to guess you put your companion's wellbeing in consideration before doing anything... reckless. Plus, I do not have your fate in my hands and something about that is not sitting right with me. Who are you?"

"Ah, a goddess you are then and you're right about it all. As for who I am, I am Asil... El Asil. Now if you don't mind..." I turn around and create the same magic circle she created only this time it's smaller. "We'll be talking our leave now!"

Oken Rebirth: Tales of An Unknown WorldWhere stories live. Discover now