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Hydris came here five days ago after being summoned by a dark elf and in all the time he has been here he has not mentioned his home. Well except for the time he told me about Atlantis and how it was the grandest of all the kingdoms under the seven seas, he also mentioned the fact that he is one of thirteen children with him being the second youngest son and eleventh child.

After he is done talking we make our way inside the Van'roe household. Nirl and Fon as well as Sul follow in shortly after us. Once everyone settles down I decide to bring up what to do with the barren land.

"We could build an infirmary or a place where we can work on producing more medicine." Ezaire makes her voice heard first.

" Ezaire makes her voice heard first

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"Or a library." Ilena says.

But she quickly pulls back saying "It will need a vast array of books and scrolls before it can even be called one

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But she quickly pulls back saying "It will need a vast array of books and scrolls before it can even be called one."

As much as Ezaire might be the strongest and oldest of the two, Ilena holds as much knowledge and enjoys reading as much as my tutor does so it makes sense she'd suggest that.

A library is a good idea. We could start a grand collection, after all, wherever you will go- knowledge or information of some sort will be quite helpful when it comes to strategy as well as other areas like trade and the likes.

Hmm, okay, I guess that's a good idea, but where would we find more books, it's not like they just materialize out if thin air like the scroll of fate you know. If we go with this route instead of the infirmary first, we could take down two birds with one stone since the library can be divided and used both on research for medical purposes and gaining more knowledge.

Look at you being smart. Ha, that's always refreshing, but no they don't materialize out of thin air, I know a place we can get some.

And where might that be?

In the deep blue seas somewhere-

"Miss Anname?" Hydris snaps me out of stupor.


"You were lost in thought there. I asked, what if we were to build a cathedral on top of one of the craters with a dragon as a sign of paying homage to the saviors of Enore, dragons as a race and Elis, your opinion?" Hydris asks.

 I asked, what if we were to build a cathedral on top of one of the craters with a dragon as a sign of paying homage to the saviors of Enore, dragons as a race and Elis, your opinion?" Hydris asks

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Well that's an answer. Los tries to annoy me. But we have already been through this, no temples, cathedrals, churches or anything of the sort. You must have them see it that way too.

I let out a weak outbreath and answer Hydris.

"No, I've already thought about that, but not yet I think it would be wise for us to do that maybe as time goes on."

We will never do that.

Los, please stop with your annotations.

Well aren't you one with big words.

"Oh, okay. Then maybe something else then." Hydris says and the room falls silent shortly after.

I guess my answer bummed everyone out? I don't know, let me try and lighten the mood.


"Yes Miss?" A wave of jitters run down his spine.

"Calm down, I'm not going to bite your head off." Probably a poor choice of words since apparently I can do that. "And can you please ton it down with the formalities, just call me Ann."

"I will try my best." He takes a bow.

"Alright then. Anyway, can you tell me something Hydris." I say and he tenses up again.

"Yes Miss?"

Sigh. "Since you got here, you hardly ever talk about or mention home. Are you okay?" I ask.

His face quickly turns to a pale and ghostly color, and the room goes even quieter. If someone dropped a needle you could hear it bounce off the wooden floor.

Everyone looks at me and then Hydris whose face is now ashen and then back at me. What? Did I say something wrong? I was just asking.

"Hydris, are you okay?" Ilena asks in concern. She touches his shoulder and instantly Hydris falls to his knees.

""Hydris?"" Ilena and I holler in unison.

Nirl and Sul quickly pick him up and set him on a stool. "Hydris, what's wrong?" I ask starting to get a little worried.

"I, I have done a great wrong and brought shame upon my father's name and war upon my people." Hydris hangs his head.

"What do you mean you have brought shame to your father's name?" A calm Ezaire chips in a question.

"I am a disgrace to my father's name!" He shouts and a stream of tears start pouring from his eyes as he stutters. "I, I am a disgrace to my kingdom and I have brought dishonor to my family. Ms. Anname, I beg of you, please, take my life for I am of no use and I serve no purpose to anyone alive." Hydris continues to rant holding my hands.

There is pain in his eyes and seeing him like this, as annoying as he may be with his praises, this makes me bleed a little inside.

"Hydris, calm down, no one is going to take anyone's life. What do you mean you have brought dishonor to your family?" I ask a sobbing Hydris.

Los told me that the last time he saw Hydris he was still very young and he was already an exceptional warrior amongst the sea serpents. At such a young age he could willingly morph into his serpent form and back into his humanoid form with ease and at the time it was and still is a great accomplishment. A true prodigy like his father, so how could he be a disgrace?

It takes a little stint to calm him down and have him stop crying. He collects himself starts dishing out his story.

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