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Anname's POV

Uh, that really hurt. I think as I wake up from what seems to be the second longest kip I have ever had. Damn it Los, what happened? Why did you let me get stabbed? I ask after collecting my thoughts.

To teach you a lesson.

What lesson? I snicker.

Next time you will think twice before you rush in to try and help someone with a bloody sword in their hands. I sense his anger, but he quickly calms down and says he didn't mean for me to get hurt. I did not sense her attack quick enough so in a sense we are both to blame for what happened.

Well, whatever, I'm okay now. And I didn't point this out before, but why is your voice different now and where on Oken are we?

My voice changed when I suppressed my form in order to complete the vessel contract between you and I and as for where we are, you will find out soon.

Looking around to see where I am, I see nothing, it's dark all around me.

Well this is slowly becoming a routine for me, isn't it?

What is?

Waking up like this, in places I don't know. Mostly dark and strange places like-, wait, is that a light?

Light shines from what seems to be a door and from that direction voices and laughter find their way to my ears.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" I call out and shortly after, two men enter the room. One of the men walks in holding up a small lamp that brings light and life to the soulless and dark room I am in.

Why does this room look so familiar? I think.

The other man, younger than the first, he just stands there staring at me.

Damn it, not this again. I can't fight them off, especially the one with the lamp, he's too big to fight off.

What makes you think they want to fight you?

I don't know, because they are human and that's what my kind does. The only option we have is to run for it. Let's see, what exit routes do I have-


What... what's this? And what's with that? I move my hands again. Are these chains? Oh just great, this is just what I need. First it was dirty rags and a sack, and now this. Lady luck, you sure have it in for me, huh? Why am I in chains?

I hope you are not asking me because I am not the one who put you in them. Why not try and ask them, they might know.


"Who... who are you and where am I?" I ask the two men and in response all I get are stares.

Figures. Well whoever they are, at least they didn't cover my mouth, right?


"Boy, go call Lady Ezaire." The man holding the lamp orders. "Aye." The young man responds and runs out of the room.

The man with the lamp looks like a warrior of some sort and the other man is probably big guy's apprentice or maybe his son? They kind of look alike, but maybe it's just the light... Yeah, maybe.

Is that what you got from all of this, their relationship? Try and focus Anname.

Oh, right... Lady Ezaire. Who is that? A slave merchant?

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