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If I was not spellbound by the sheer strength this young man El holds I would be a mad man.

We met him yesterday thanks to his "little slip up and mercilessness" towards a cave dwelling giant, but saying he showed it mercy would be putting a noble title on it, he says he was just lazy to finish the job and when the giant woke up he was suddenly in the mood for a good run.

I would not have believed him when he said he took the eyes of a giant in its sleep, I mean... I did not believe him when he told us he took the eyes of a sleeping giant so swiftly that the giant didn't even feel it, but after seeing him fight the trolls and goblins with such superiority and swiftness it was kind of hard to stay in denial.

He then went on to leave less than half the number of monsters that were already down in the cavern with us, charged up the giant's arm when it came down to drop another batch of monsters and later returned after a few minutes with a giant face falling flat behind him... He slew the giant single handedly in a few minutes and upon further examination of the giant before it disintegrated into dust, I noted that it was a high ranking giant from the eastern tribes of Hor - only a few ranks from the giant king of the west Horus.

As if that was not enough, he came back down and helped us clear the last monsters, he killed more monsters than we did put together. After that he walked over to Hagias and healed him faster than Po was and then told us to keep the cores as thanks for helping kill the monsters; "I couldn't have done it without you guys." he said.

We didn't even do anything. All we did was kill about two out of five or two out of seven monsters if you include the giant.

After helping us collect some of the crest stones, he left and said he will be back later, he has to go and get the eyes were he left them while he was on his little run.

He was gone all night and Po decided to take point after creating a barrier to seal up the crater in the cavern's ceiling. The rest of us decided to get some rest and I was glad to because that was enough fighting and running for this dragon child.

It is morning now I think, almost afternoon, the third sun should already be setting and El Asil still has not returned. We decided to wait for him until nightfall because one; Mihika and Eve want to see these so called giant's eyes - one of the rarest sights for those that can still see unlike the deceased giant who by the way his core is going to run for a lot of Drachma when we get back home, and two; I am somehow a part of El Asil's party now so I just cannot up and leave without clearing that up. Having me join his party happened in the strangest of ways, there was no mutual agreement that I was going to do that, but just by agreeing to help him I became a member of his party.

Hagias isn't completely healed so he is resting. He is back to his snoring-self like nothing happened, just slumbering in his tent. Gabriel, Bell, Nel and I go up top of the mountain to scout the snow covered terrain after we have lunch leaving behind the rest of the party.

"Nel, take Bell and check if there are still any threats around." I say from the back of the group.

"Can you stop giving me orders?" Nel ripostes, but reluctantly leaves with Bell and they scout on ahead leaving Gabriel and I to check the snow, faintly colored with blood.

After they leave, Gabriel and I walk for a little while up the misty mountain side until we reach the crater to the cavern and even though the sun is high up the mountains of Hor, out of all five giant territories is one of the two more freezing places along with the seas of Lor in all of Oken. The crater is even bigger than it looks from the bottom and I can almost hear Mihika talking to Eve, Diana and Taniah all the way from up here and they seem to be talking about El Asil and 'how strong he is'.

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