Chapter 24:

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Chapter: 24:

Putting new candy in jars, Beth jumps as she sees something move about the store, but calms when she sees it's only her new roommate. Looking at all the candy on the wall shelfs, Merle hums to himself and soon finds himself at the counter, looking over Beth.

"Oh, you scared me...I didn't hear you come down." Beth holds her chest and smiles.

"Sorry bout tha', Miss. Didn't know you's down here. Came to look at watcha got." He peers around the shop again and then catches Beth as she stands up and Jake comes out of the back growling. "Got yerself a guard dog...he's a feisty one too."

"Jake down. Jakers....heel." The dog looks at Beth, growls one more time at Merle and then stands down and sits by Beth. "Sorry about him. He's Daryl's not really mine, but I love him jus the same."

"Yeah Daryl does tha'.... "Merle laughs and Beth raises a stern eyebrow and her lips go tight. "Kiddin' course. He's a good kid."

"Yes he is." Beth smelly smiles and then goes back to putting away candy.

"You make all dis?"

"Yes. Some of it is imported, but that's only because I don't have the means to make them."

"Interestin'. Never pegged Daryl fer a candy man." He chuckles and she looks at him oddly.

"What do you mean?"

"You dun' know?" Merle steps back a bit.

"Know what?"

"When wes was lil, daddy used ta beat Daryl and I cause he liked it...Uncle Jesse well...he used ta trick Daryl to the basement with candy and knows the rest...."


"Yeah...tried all I could ta stop it...just not well enough."

Slumming in her stool, Beth's heart goes out to the little boy who was raped and beaten for several years.

"Who could do that to a child?"

"Sick fuck of a man...I really shouldn't have tol' ya." He seems remorseful and saddened from the memories. Going to him, Beth hugs him sweetly and it takes him a few seconds to hug back. Pulling away she smiles small and then lets go.

"I better finish up my candy and then I'll start on lunch."

"Yer too kind Miss Beth."

"Jus' Beth, is fine." She smiles and goes back to the candy.

As the day wages on and night soon leaps into the laps of the awake, Daryl finds Beth and Merle sitting at the dinner table, as Beth just sets a plate down for him.

"Hey! How was her day?" She skips over and kisses him as he holds her waist.

"Fine...not much to take care of. Jus a lot of paperwork....what'd you do all day?" He looks to Merle as he holds on to Beth still.

"Helped Beth in the shop..."


"If I have ta' stay here for a while, might as well pull my own."

"He does a great job. It's actually nice cause Rosita never really shows up." She kisses his cheek and holds his hand as she tugs him to the table. Sitting down with Beth in between them, everyone starts eating the pork chops and broccoli.

"So Daryl, have you tried Beth's Burnt Beans yet?" Merle cuts a nice hunk of meat off his plate and plops it in his mouth.

"Yeah...they're really good." He says but is tone isn't entirely happy.

"How is it?" Beth asks as she bites some broccoli.

"Fantastic." They both say simultaneously and Beth laughs.

"Well you two really are brothers." Giggling she looks at them both and can see this being possibly better than they both think.

With that conversation playing out, the time of night comes where they head to bed after saying good night.

"Thanks fer putting up with him today..." Daryl says as he kisses Beth's neck, while she puts on her pjs and wipes off we makeup.

"He's not a bad guy Daryl...He's actually really smart and kind." She says as he lays his forehead against her back and rubs his hands up and down her stomach. Turning in his arms, she tilts his chin up and kisses him a few times while he holds her hips.

"I know...he can just be much."

"Every family is at times. Now, why don't we get to bed. Yer really tired and I am too." Tenderly kissing him, she leads him to bed and try sleep. completing their days.

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