Chapter 19:

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Chapter 19:

Getting to the hospital, Daryl races passed everybody in his path. He doesn't care about being rude or leaving dishelved people in his wake. Only a few feet behind Beth's gurney where Sasha continues pumping air into her and Bob checks her heart beat frequently while pushing on her chest, they keep him out when a nurse says Staff only.

Pacing the waiting room, Daryl can't stop scattering his brain for answers. How long was she in that casket? Was she already gone? His heart hurts and he notices the police bring in Brian in a wheelchair for his foot. Going up to him Daryl releases his anger.

"You! Yer going to be sorry if they don't put you in a high prison!"

"Not living the dream any more?" Brian says with pain on his face.

"Not like you who's only gonna be governor over yer prison cell." Brian's smile creeps down his face because he knows he's not getting out of this one.

They wheel him back and when he him turns around he finds Sasha and Bob walking out looking exhausted.

"How is she? Is she okay?" He rushes up to her and gently grabs her shoulder.

"It took all we had... But she's back. They have her on liquids and a breathing tube for the night. They aren't allowing visitors tonight. But they will keep you informed." Smiling Sasha pats him on the shoulder and then her and Bob leave.

Taking a sigh of relief, Daryl sits in a chair and just breaths over and over again- big deep breaths that calm his shaking body. He didn't want to lose her. He doesn't think he could've handled that. Texting Glenn, he tells them the situation and then gets up to go home.... but remembers Glenn dropped him off and took hi truck back to Hershel's. Walking home, the cold October wind blows across his body an chills him through and through.

Today could've been terrible...well it was, but he could've lost Beth. He could've lost the fight all together. But out of shear luck or maybe just a guardian angel watching over him, he was able to keep her from Death's door.

When he gets to Hershel's it's almost 9:30 at night and they smile at him wearily.

"Thank you Daryl. Thank you immensely." Hershel gratifies him, clapping on the shoulder and ten pulling him into a hug. "What is her recent diagnosis?"

"She's with us...a breathing machine is just helping he refill her lungs until morning and she's on liquids. Brian will be going to prison and so will Alex if he's found guilty...Dawn, well, she didn't make it." Daryl sits on the couch and Hershel sits raise him as Otis grabs them beers.

"You really good at yer job, Daryl. I couldn't do what you do." Otis says and Daryl shakes it off.

"When you care about people, a community, you have to do everything in yer power to do what's right...even if sometimes it isn't right for you."

"Spoken like a true hero." Patricia says as her and Maggie sit on the other couch and a silence befalls over the room.

"I'm no hero...I'd be lying if I didn't say I went out looking for Beth for my own gain." They look at him with a queer look and he goes on. "See, though I have only known Beth for a few weeks, I care deeply for her even."

"Brave on many fronts." Hershel says and he places a gently, but firm hand on Daryl's arm. "If it were anyone else, I would probably show them my gun and the door, but you have done more to protect my Beth than I or any other person has."

"I try to do right by her..."

"Well you do more than that, son. More than that by far."

Going to bed that night, Daryl lays in Beth's bed and takes in the whole place. Yes it's arranged for a child, but it still has an essence of Beth in it. Closing his eyes, he anticipates seeing her beautiful face.

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