Chapter 16:

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Chapter 16:

It's a lonely looking cell-like room. Beth's never been in trouble or even really mean for that matter and protective custody just makes her feel even more guilty for something she didn't do. They brought her new clothes from her apartment and got her bath supplies, but other than that protective custody seems like a jail sentence. And if she's right about Mary or whoever targeting her, then she'll probably never get out, never see Daryl.

She can't believe he's her boyfriend now. How did that even happen? He should be upset that his place was burned down, not that she has to spend a few nights in a cell. He should be worried about Jake, not her. But she loves that he's worried. She loves that he's not scared to kiss her in public or a ounce how he feels.

While Beth is dealing with her new cell, Hershel is dealing with the fact that she's in there. Clapping Daryl on the shoulder, Hershel wraps Jake's paw in a green puppy cast and looks at Daryl.

"You gotta place to stay?"

"No, sir..."

"You can use Beth's room while she's away. And tomorrow we can figure out what to do with getting you some clothes, for now, you can borrow some of my sons. He won't mind while he's away." Hershel and Daryl help Jake off the table and they head in from the barn.

"Thank you sir. For all this, it's really kind of you." Daryl says as he carries Jake to the house.

"Call me Hershel. And it's no problem for me. You helped my Bethy out of terrible things. I don't forget things like that." He gives Daryl a small smile and they get inside. "Now you'll be staying upstairs in Beth's room because the guest room is currently being renovated into part of my Vet office. Sophia and Carol are staying in Maggie and Shawn's rooms so don't mind them. There's a bathroom down stairs in the hallway or one right across the hall from your room. Please make yerself at home. Have any questions?"

"No...I don't think so. Thank you again..."

"Like I said I owe ya for. Taken care of my daughter." He leaves Daryl and Jake at the stairs and turns to go back outside.

Going into work, Daryl walks passed to the holding center and turns down the one hallway where Beth should be. Knocking on the door, she opens it and it's evident she's been crying. He comes in and immediately holds her as the door shuts.

"I got you...Hey it's okay..." They sit on the bed and he looks around. It's not very big but it has a small table and chair, a small refrigerator and microwave and a bed with a radio. The only window in the room is the size of the piece I paper and is halfway up the wall. "Nice place..."

"It's not funny." She cries even harder into his shoulder and he just brushes his hand down her hair.

"I know...I'm sorry Beth. Have they given you anything to eat or ya know got you yer clothes?"

"They got me some of my clothes...but no food yet. The bathroom is the size of me pretty much." She points to a small door an inside a single small shower, a very tiny sink in the wall and a toilet that Daryl feels would break if he say on it.

"Bethy, I'm sorry. At least I know yer safe in here." She pushes away a bit and Daryl is confused.

"Why are you sorry for me? Yer apartment is gone! All this stuff you've ever owned is gone, Daryl. All because of me! And all you can say is you feel sorry for me? Daryl you's should be mad and frustrated and hate me..."

"Now hold on a second." He stands up and the space is barely big enough for that. "You make me out to sound like a bad guy. Beth I don't care about the apartment or my stuff. They're jut things. But're someone I really care about. If I lost you..."

He sit on the bed and runs his hands trough his hair with a sigh.

"Do you know what you mean to me? Truly mean to me?" He puts his hand and gently clasps hers in his. "If I lost you...nothing else in my life would matter."

"Daryl..." She says and he cuts her off by pulling her to the bed and he kisses her passionately. Running his hands up his body, Daryl slowly pushes himself against her sex, full of want and love for her. Her body shivers at his touch and immediately feels aroused and thrusts herself back against him. Her stomach churns and she can't stand how ready she is for him. "Mhhhh, Daryl..."

"Oh Beth..."

"Mhmm Daryl, we can't...not in here." She places her hands on his chest and he just kisses her neck. Daryl sighs and rubs his hands across her back.

"Okay....okay." They go over her ass and squeeze and push her up to his face so he kisses her gently. Pulling away she finds his manor different than anything. "You okay?"


"I feel like you aren't and maybe we should talk about it..." Sitting up he holds her hands and looks deep into her eyes.

"I just hate having to leave you here."

"It's okay. I'll be fine."

"I jus...." He stands up frustrated with himself for not being able to explain how he feels. "I don't know how to say it...."

She looks at him and feels strange inside.

"I...I don't feel safe with you here either. I don't want to be too far from you with all this going on." He goes back and holds her hands as she still sits on the bed. "I just don't feel right about this whole thing."

"Daryl, I'm fine being here. You don't need to worry..." He gets on his knees and Beth is take aback by this.

"Beth I just...huh, I don't feel right. I want you next to me." She sighs and he kisses her hands, which end up running through his hair.

"Daryl....I promise you I will be fine. I'm surrounded by yer friends...What could possibly happen? You worry to much." She bends down a bit and kisses him and then again as his hands rub her inner thigh, she holds back a moan and he can tell.

"This place is sound proof you know...." He kisses stomach and keeps massaging her. Finally, she lets out moan and Daryl continues. "You wanna rethink yer one statement from earlier?"

"Yes..." She breathlessly moans against his lips. Standing up he starts undressing and pull things from her also and finally they start. But like all the other times, he waits as long as he can for her, but soon cums on her, but quickly wipes it off and then tries to get her to orgasm again. Pumping inside her she can feel him fill her and gives her pleasure, but she still can't get there. As he's still trying, which se appreciates, she puts a hand to his chest and looks down at him. "Daryl let's just stop..."

"Is it me?" He huffs out of breath as she covers her eyes. "Beth, what's wrong? What did I do?"

"Nothing's wrong with you..." she starts to say defeated and soon the tears start to fall. Pulling out if her, he pulls her to his chest as he lays down and she just cries.

"Honey, shhh, it's okay. Let me take care of you..."

"If if you do it for ten hours, I'm still not gonna be able too." She cries and he stares at the ceiling feeling like this. "I just can't....I never have. I always faked it with Gareth and...I can't on my own and...I want to with you, but I just can't get there and there's all this tension deep inside me and it just build is up..."

Kissing her forehead, Daryl feels like a total jerk and asshole right now.

"Honey...why didn't you tell me before?"

"Because...its embarrassing and I really like you Daryl."

"Baby, this is not embarrassing. It happens, to men and woman. I think....I think that yer body and yer mind need to reconnect in some way and then we can get to the source of the problem. I feel Gareth's abuse and rapping's has something to do with this that subconsciously put a block on yer ability to enjoy sex...but that's okay cause we're gonna fix it." Kissing her temple, he wants to be able to pleasure her and connect with her.

It's gonna be hard, but he's determined.

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