Chapter 14:

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Chapter 14:

She's been up all night with the police and clean up crew. Crying and holding her sides, she wishes she knew who did this- not to smit them, but to just talk with them about it. She'd always rather reason with someone, then fight them. As she begins to cry, two arms come around her and she nearly jumps out if her skin at them.

"You okay?" His scratchy tired voice warms her ears and his body warms her heart.

"Yer not supposed to be up need to rest."

"I got the dispatch and saw the lights...i couldn't not come, Beth. Hold on...I'll figure something out. Stay here."

Lumbering in pain over to Jim and Tyreese, Daryl looks pained and irritated as he stands and talks to the guys for few minutes. Rubbing the back of his head, he glances toward Beth as he speaks and then back at the officers. Stumbling back, holding his side, he wraps her in him arms.

"What'd they say?" Beth asks from Daryl chest, avoiding his wound.

"Huh...they said it's under investigation...the whole place is shut down for at least a week while they try to figure this out." Her chest heaves and her head spins.

"But, I have to keep business open. I need to sell candy tomorrow."

"Beth... I really hate to say this, but you can't. Yer not allowed to take anything from the scene. They dot even want you in yer apartment. They said one of them can escort you to get clothes for the week, but nothing else....I'm sorry Beth." He kisses the top of her head and she just cries. What is she gonna do? No store this week could put her out of business. She needs to sell candy, she needs to keep working, and she just needs some sleep. Looking at the clock on the street lamp, it's already 3:45 in the morning.

"Ms. Greene, I'm sorry about yer shop. We need you to vacate the premises until we have this figured out and cleaned up. we can escort you to get clothes, but you're not allowed to take anything else. Do you have a place to stay or need a ride anywhere?" Tyreese asks sorrowfully.

"I...I don't know..." She says honestly and Daryl looks down at her.

"She has a place, Ty....don't worry about it." Daryl holds her close and she looks up at him. Tyreese nods and heads back to Jim at the car.

"I can't Daryl..."

"It's just across the street. Yer tired, an you can keep an eye on what's going on from there...and if you need we can go get you cooking supplies and you can make candy in my kitchen and sell it in my back yard until you can get back to the shop." Her eyes stoop and her mouth does too. He is the sweetest guy she's ever know. Most caring and smart guy she's ever cared about.

"Daryl, I..."

"Just say yes.... you can leave at any time you want."

"Come on Ms. Greene, let's get you some clothes for the week." Tyreese, a tall token man who's heart is as big as him, escorts her upstairs and Daryl waits, in pain, on a bench by the shop. It takes her a few minutes before she is back by his side with a duffle bag in her hand. Standing up, he lays a hand on her back and looks down at her. She's upset and he understands that.

"Come on...let's get you in bed. Yer tired." He says taking her bag, which she refuses, but he takes it anyway and they somberly walk back across the park to his apartment. Getting inside, Jake is too tired to notice she's back and Daryl heads to the bedroom and sets her duffle on the chair by the dresser and rests for a minute.

Getting him water and a pain pill, Beth comes back and kneels in front of him, giving him the solace he needs. Taking a sip of water he sets it on the night stand and she has her hands on his knees.

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