Chapter 61:

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Chapter 61:

He slept the whole night, not even realizing if Beth came to bed or not. Kylie didn't make a peep all night and for all he knew, Beth had left all together. But waking up this morning, she's on her side of the bed, snuggled to her pillow and hair falling in her face. A few sporatic movements from her and he knows she's having a nightmare. Getting closer to her, he gently shakes her and when her eyes open, she crashes her body into his with tears in her eyes and hair all over the place. Holding her close to his body, he kisses her forehead and lays back down with her to his chest. They lay in silence for a while until Daryl kisses her face again.

"I'm sorry baby. For everything I said."

"It's okay Daryl. I dont' wanna leave you...I was just...I don't know."

"You were in shock, sweetie. I understand." His body envelops her and she feels safe again.

"Rick's coming back to help Carol get through this..."

"Merle's leaving for a while."

"Wait...what?" She sits up and looks down him, confused.

"I told him it'd be better if he just went somewhere for a bit. He understands and..."

"You just told him to leave?"

"Well...yeah." Shaking her head, she growls and gets out of bed. Pulling on her boots and throwing her hair up into a poney tail, she gets out the door, when Daryl comes running after her. "You wanted him gone so I made him leave. Why are you upset with that?"

"Because Daryl. He has to stay in the community or something bad might happen. Yeah Carol's pissed off like the rest of us, but that doesn't mean we want to see him leave and get back into drugs and thangs. Gosh, it's like you don't even think some times." Running down the steps, she leaves Kylie with Daryl, who just sits dumbfounded before calling Glenn and Maggie again to watch Kylie so he can go find his brother.

Getting in his truck, he drives up and down streets to find his brother, who couldn't have gotten far considering he has no money for a bus and no car. Every street he drives up and down is hopeless. Why do women have to be so complicated and say things that can and will be misinterpreted by men? His phone goes off in his pocket and it's Beth.


"He's at the train bridge! Come Quick!" Speeding, he flies by the police station and of course two officers follow him. Racing down the road toward out of town, he spots a figure in the distance standing up on the high bridge that goes over the gorge, and Beth's truck and Beth near the figure, who has to be Merle. Getting there with the two officers stopping behind him, he races up to Merle as he hears a train in the distance.

"Merle come down here!"

"I cause nothing but trouble, Daryl..."

"Merle we were all a little upset yesterday and we said things we didn't mean. Myself included." Beth says and they hear the train approaching fast.

"Merle I can't let you do this. I need you. Beth needs you. Kylie needs her uncle!" Daryl steps closer and Merle gets closer to the edge. Looking down at the 40 foot drop to rocks and dirt, Merle feels that urge to jump. "Merle please! yer my brother! Yer the only family I have left!"

"Yer better off without me, Dural. Everyone is." The train is getting closer and Daryl pulls Beth off the tracks as she's kicking and screaming. Running back up to Merle, he tries to tug him back as the train bares down on them.

"Daryl!" Beth screams and Daryl tries to get Merle away from the ledge. The train is on them and Daryl tries to hold onto Merle's hand as he clutches onto the steel beam that helps form the arch of the bridge. The vibrating steel cause the men to lose their balance and Daryl can barely hold on. Looking up at his brother, Merle smiles one last time.

"It's okay brudder, I'm ready."

"Merle No. NO!" Merle releases his grip on Daryl's hand and all Daryl can do is watch him plummet to the bottom of the gorge, the train covering up the sound of him hitting the rough ground, but the sight of his blood making it's own pool beneath him. "NO!!!!!"

His crying doesn't break the sound of the long train as it passes. Beth and the two officers are on the opposite side of the tracks, watching the long cars pass faaster than they can be counted. When the train finally does pass, Beth races across the tracks to Daryl, who's clinging to the steel bracing and soon falls from it, to the tracks by Beth. She looks around for Merle and then sees him, a small body in a large puddle of crimson. Crying instantly, she hunkers beside Daryl, who can't control his tears. The two officers come over and inspect the situation, before helping Beth and Daryl from the tracks and to safety. They hold each other and cry as towns folks jus start pulling up in the fields to see the sight that's already being talked about in town. Carol, running through the crowd sees the sight and falls beside her two friends- in more pain than ever.

Everyone is hurting- everyone falls.

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