Chapter 34:

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Chapter 34:

Christmas Eve

All through the town,

Dappled in snow,

Every child, boy and girl, excited as can be,

The church bell is ringing, the children and patrons singing,

And in the town's Candy Shoppe, the Blonde owner nervous yet decorates the tree,

Candy canes, ju ju bees, apple crispies, chocolate cakes, all piled ontop,

Decorating it to look like a Christmas melt.

"Michone, I'm going to need more snickerdoodles, and candy cane fudge." Beth yells from the front. She loves decorating for christmas, though the whole shop is done, she does twelve days of treats on her christmas tree as a bit of a tradition, and since today is the 24th, she's adding the last treats to the tree. Coming out with a big tray of what Beth wants, she sets them on the counter and starts helping putting the packages up.

"So how are you and Daryl spending Christmas?" Tying a bag to a limb of the living tree, Michone winks at Beth and she shakes it off.

"We're spending it with Merle, Carol and Sophia, then my Dad, Maggie, and Glenn. Just something quiet."

"What do you think he's gonna give you this time?" Now Michone raises her eye brows twice and licks her lips.

"Stop it! It doesn't matter what he does or does not give me. I just want him. Besides, my gift is far less giving..." She bites her lip and looks down. Lifting an eyebrow curiously at Beth, Michone ties off her treat bag and looms at Beth.

"What did you get him?"

"I got him a shirt...and something else, but I highly doubt he'll like it." Her voice is significantly quieter and Michone doesn't catch it. They continue trimming the tree before kids start pouring in from a big town sledding day. The holidays always give Beth's shop the best business, especially Halloween, Christmas and Easter. Those are the big candy selling days, Valentine's Day is another, but it's not as big as the others.

"I'm sure whatever you got him he'll love it. I mean he's crazy about you anyway."

Terror fills Beth and so does nausea. Going to the office, she shuts her door and leans over the waste basket. Throwing up, she continues to empty herself out violently until finally it's all over. Sitting up, she grabs her water bottle, takes a sip, and then spits into the trash. Wiping her lips, she tries to stop crying, but it's too much. She's over the edge and falling fast to an eminent splat. After composing herself, she straightens up her red dress she's wearing and fixes her hair before going out to great every customer. She loves being apart of something everyone cares about. It's one thing to just know everyone in the town, but it's a whole other thing when they all actually love your business and you. Their loyalty is what runs Beth's business.

After a long day of patrolling the area and dealing with minor offenses, Daryl finally begins to relac as he gets out of his car and walks into the back door of the candy shop. Flowers in his hand, he makes his way to the front of the store where he finds Beth, setting up the last of the christmas lights around her windows. Going behind her, he sets the flowers on the counter and picks her up on his shoulders so she can get the last strand up that was just out of reach. She jolts a bit from being taken by surpirse, but calms when she sees him below her, kissing her inner thigh that's exposed from her dress. Getting the strand set in place, Daryl gently drops her to the ground and kisses her longingly.

"It's almost midnight." He whispers in her ear as he hands her the beautiful white roses with tips that are red. Leaving another kiss on her face, Daryl smiles down at her, but she seems forlorn. "What's wrong? Are they not what you like?"

"They're very beautiful..."

"Then what's wrong? Is it me?" His face drops and she looks sorrowfully up at him.

"No. It's's just me." She sadly turns away and looks out the store window at the falling snow.

"I don't understand. Beth...yer not leaving me are you?"

"No...yer leaving me..." She quietly says and he almost doesn't catch it. Going up behind her, he holds her by her bent elbows.

"Why would you say that? Beth, I love you."

"If I told'd leave and never look back." Tears spring up into her eyes and she tries to just calm herself.

"Tell me what? Beth, yer worrying me, Darling." Turning in his grasp, he looks down into her sparkling blue eyes and can see something disturbed in her. Dropping his gaze to her hands on her stomach, he looks between them and tries to understand. "Beth, just tell me."

"I'm...I'm..." She can't get it out properly and his frustration builds.

"Yer what!?" Without being able to find the words, Beth forcefully grabs his hands and places them on her stomach. She closes her eyes and just needs him to understand. She just needs him to go, because that's what he's going to do, leave. Looking back at his hands on her stomach and hers on top of his, he feels the swell in her stomach. It's not as flat as it used to be, but how hadn't he noticed? How hadn't he known or connect her sickness with this? Is he that unobservant or does he simply want to pretend it's not there? Whatever the case may be, he can't figure out what to do. After the silence overly fills the room, Beth pulls away from him and goes to her office, shutting the door behind her. Standing there stiff as a board, Daryl just stares at his hands.

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