Chapter 28:

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Chapter 28:

"Mhmm...I love you too..." Daryl grumbles as he receives kisses. But soon he hears a giggle coming from somewhere that he opens his eyes and sees Bailey laying nose to nose with him ready to lick his lips again and Beth laying on her side watching the whole thing. Sitting up, Daryl wipes his lips off and growls as the puppy sits up and wags her little tail. "Gross!"

"Haha aww, she was giving you morning kisses Daryl."

"Gross." Bailey comes wiggling over to him and climbs on his lap. Picking the puppy up underneath her front legs, Daryl dangles the dog in front if his face and she tries to lean forward and kiss him again.

"Oh Daryl, have the baby some love. Haha." Beth sits up and kisses Daryl and the puppy.

"Huh, she slept on my chest all night like a damn cat."

"She loves you....I love you."

"She is sleeping with Jake tonight."

"Jake can sleep with us too." Beth sings and Daryl looks at her sternly.

"No, absolutely not."

"Why? He's so cute. He should get some cuddle time too." Setting the pup on the ground, Daryl flips Beth down onto her back and starts attacking her neck with kisses.

"The only one getting cuddle time is you."

"Okay, Mr. Fiancé." Grinning, Beth readjusts herself on her back and Daryl slowly leans down, kissing her lips tenderly and soon slipping his tongue inside. They kiss and writhe against each other and feel their bodies heat up upon each touch.

After a morning quicky, Daryl dresses on his uniform and Beth sits on the bathtub doing her toenails. Painting them blue, she hums as she finishes it up and Daryl comes in kissing her forehead.

"I'm so glad you can enjoy yerself now."

"Me look very spiffy for just going to work."

"It not just work today. I have to go to Atlanta for service updates. Testing and that sorta shit."

"But wait...when will you be back?"

"In two days. Baby, I was gonna tell you but I forgot. You make me forget things when you bite that lip of yers." He playfully scolds and goes to her as she stops biting her lip- which she didn't know she was biting in the first place.


"Don't be sorry." Kissing the top of her head, he tilts her chin up and she looks deep into his eyes with a soft smile. "I'll be back before you know it darlin'. Just keep Merle in toe and call me if you need anything."

"So I can call you if I need you."


"Go...have fun. Then come back and make love to me."

"I definitely will, Ms. Fiancé." Kissing her lips this time, he looks her over and then leaves.

The rest of Beth's day turns slower and slower as she repeats and repeats and retells how Daryl propose to everyone. She enjoys the attention, but is still rather shy when it comes to people she doesn't know.

"So, he left this morning?"

"Yeah, did Rick?" Beth looks at Michone as she puts away more candy.

"Yep. They're the first two to go and then it will be Jim and Ty and then the others. Two by two..."

"Haha, when's the ark being built?"

"Haha, it already is built. It's called law enforcement."

The girls laugh and Merle comes down stairs as Carol walks in the shop.

"Well mornin' Miss. Peletier. How was yer evenin'?" Merle smiles and the older woman blushes.

"Very fine thank you...and were you the one who sent me those Cherokee Roses?" She asks as she comes closer.

"Maybe, depends on if ya liked 'em." Merle says and Michone and Beth just stand watch in the background.

"Well I loved 'em. They're my favorite."

"Then it was my doin'." He says flirtatiously and Michone and Beth duck down behind the counter and literally crawl to the kitchen as if thy weren't even there.

"Do you think it's odd that they are doing that?" Michone asks.

"Nah, you seen 'em at dinner. It's like they're drawn to each other." Beth smiles and starts wrapping goober bars. "Maybe I should stay at Daddy's tonight and let Merle have a date with Carol here...since he can't really leave the premises."

"Couldn't hurt."

After Carol leaves, Beth wanders upstairs am finds Merle sitting at the kitchen table.

"Hey Merle..."

"Hey Darlin'."

"Do you like Carol?"

"..." He stares blankly at her and she smiles as he starts to blush.

"Yer blushin'...I knew it. The only reason I ask is cause I might stay at Daddy's tonight and was puttin' up the option of you having Carol over for dinner and a movie."

He just stares at her and she sighs.

"A've been on dates before...right?"


" you wanna have a date with Carol?"


"Just call her. I'll pick up some food and grab the dogs so yer note bogged down with 'em." He kisses the top of his head and gets ready to leave to do good shopping.

Coming back she sets the food in the fridge and gifs Merle looking at himself in the mirror on the living room wall.

"You look very handsome that Daryl's white dress shirt and black pants? Is that his cologne I smell?"


"I won't tell. Haha, foods in the fridge. Come on Jake. Bailey." Picking up the little dog and opening the door for Jake, she starts to head down.

"Thanks Beth."

"No problem Merle. That's what family is for." She smiles before leaving.

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