Chapter 52:

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Chapter 52:

He didn't sleep at all that night, with his mind racing and heart breaking further and further into shards of colorless glass. He doesn't believe in God, but that night he had. He prayed multiple times, asked for forgiveness, and pleaded for the powerful being to allow his daughter to live and if anything, to take him instead. One never should really request their life taken, but for Daryl, it was simply a must. Too hard had Beth worked through her life and too well worshiped to have this shitty hand dealt to her. If Daryl could give her that happiness of their daughter's life, instead of the comfort of his strong embrace, than he wills this to be so.

So racing to the hospital this morning, with no sleep and not food in his stomach, Daryl rushes up to Beth's room, only to find an old lady in her place. Standing in confusion and more pain than necessary, Daryl gazes at the old woman, who seems ill beyond repair.

"So sorry, I intruded." Daryl apologizes and the woman waves him closer.

"Is that you, Jacob?" The woman leans closer and Daryl can't help, but feel terrible.

"I'm sorry ma'am, I'm..."

"Late, I know. It's alright. I made it too 105, with tons of waiting...I suppose it's okay if I had waited two weeks to see you."

He didn't have it in his heart to tell the old lady, who was smaller than Sophia, that he wasn't this Jacob, but a mere stranger looking for his wife and dying child.

"Please come closer and hold my hand, child. I need yer strength." Walking closer to her, he holds her frail hand in his and feels her gently squeeze. A tear pops up in his eye at the thought of this orphaned woman, alone on her death bed. "Why Jacob, I feel yer rough hands have put well to use...How are you today?"

"I'm just fine...I'm sorry I couldn't come sooner."

"That's alright. I'll be with Him soon and then I'll always be with you." More tears prick up in his eyes and all he can do is wish he had a grandmother, anybody from his old life, who loved him as much as this stranger. "Don't cry for me. I shall always look over you, Jacob."

"I just love you so much...and it's so hard."

"I know, but it is a happy thing. Being with The Lord. I'm not scared or sad..." Her voice grows weaker and her grasp weakened as well. "I'm getting tired...give me one last goodbye kiss, and I'll see you soon."

Leaning down, Daryl kisses the woman's forehead and her hand goes limp while her eyes close. Kneeling beside her bed, he sobs and goes out to the nurses station, telling them the news.

"Ms. That woman, passed away in you have a number for her son or grandchild named Jacob? He should know."

"Sir, Ms. Rose Kylie has no living relatives...she was the last one. The only Jacob she knew was her son who died right around the time she got Alzheimer's Disease." Sinking low into his chest, Daryl feels terrible she was alone, yet good for being able to be tree for her. After saying a quick prayer for Rose Kylie, Daryl asks the nurse where Beth had been moved too an they point him in her direction.

Going into her room, he finds Beth sitting on the bed with Kylie in her arms, still tiny and still translucent a bit. Beth smiles when she sees him and gently rocks their daughter from side to side.

" okay?"

" are my two girls?" He kisses their heads and pulls up a chair beside them.

"Sore...she's doing fine today..." It kills her inside, not knowing what will happen. It kills her to pretend that they're fine right now, when they both are breaking into a thousand pieces.

"That's good...I met this woman today."

"Is she pretty?"

"Haha, she was beautiful, for a 105 years old."

"Oh my..."

"Beth, I wanna go to church Sunday with you." He casually says and she looks sort of confused in his manor, let alone the words coming from betwixt his lips.


"I just do. Does that suffice?" Nodding her head, she's more than concerned with his mental state, but doesn't question it any further. Looking at the child in her arms, Daryl smiles and feels something- an indescribable feeling that makes him question everything. "I'm not scared."

"You shouldn't be scared of church, Daryl...wait is that why you never wanted to go before?"

"I'm not scared of church....I meant, well, I'm not scared of what might come next." They look down at the tiny child and Beth shakes her head. "It's not a sad thing...being with The Lord. And she'll always be with us and watch over us."

"Daryl..." Beth is becoming slightly irritated and greatly upset, but Daryl kisses the child's head.

"Beth, I want our daughter to experience life to the fullest...but if and when it's her time to go...well, I will be sad deeply, but also happy- our daughter will be our angel. It hurts now Beth, but everything happens for a reason. I love you both. The Lord loves us all, even non-believers."

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