Chapter 33:

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Chapter 33:

Since Christmas is in less than a week, Daryl and Beth decide to head to a Plaza Mall in Atlanta to do shopping. The only bad thing is, Daryl has no idea what to get Beth. Not to mention he also has to get something for Carol and Sophia from Merle. How is he supposed to find something for two people from someone else? Holding Beth's hand, they start on the ground level to get something for Hershel and Glenn.

"What about this plaid shirt?" Beth holds up a white and black plaid shirt and Daryl turns his head sideways.

"For who?"


"Oh, I like it...but I'd try the Greene and black. I think he'd like that more."

"Okay...and what about these gardening gloves?" Holding up a pair of tan thick gloves, she questions it and Daryl smiles.

"Perfect. Now that we got Glenn his new baseball cap and Braves shirt, let's go get Maggie and Carol done."

Walking to a Dress Barn across the plaza, Beth searches and searches for the perfect dress for Maggie- a turquoise strapless with a tan weaves belt.

"What would Carol like?"

"Hmm, she always say how she likes those fancy scarves and clutch wallets. Would Merle like to get her those?" Beth contemplates everything and nods.

"What color is her favorite?" Daryl asks as he picks up several scarves.

"Purple. I like this paisley one." Pulling it from the stack, she holds it against herself and Daryl smiles. "I think she'd love it. Oh and this black clutch."

"If you say so." Smiling at her, he feels something different between them. He doesn't know what, but something is definitely different.

As they purchase those items an head to find Sophia something, Daryl passes and antique shop.

"I'm gonna pop in here real quick. I'll meet ya at Lauren's."

"Okay..." She smiles and he heads into the antique shop. Looking around, he finds everything from typewriters to dressers to pots and pans.

Going to the jewelry counter, he notices a very charming sterling silver necklace with an expensive diamond in the middle of a small heart.

"Can I help you?"

"Yes, I'd like to see that necklace please. 274."

"Of course. This is a very special piece of jewelry from 18th century France. Brought over during World War Two by two immigrants. Said to be stolen from Royals, but no one knows for sure."

"It's gorgeous. Is the garnet real?"

"Yes. and it's plated on sterling silver."

"How much?"


"Kinda steep."

"It's very valuable. I'd sell it for more if it wasn't on my conscious." The older gentleman says and Daryl sighs.

"Can it go to 250? That's all I got on me..."

"Well...I suppose I could. Need to make space anyway."


Getting the necklace wrapped up in a beautiful box, Daryl hides it in his pocket and goes to Lauren's Closet. Finding Beth, he holds her from behind and kisses under her ear and looks at the shirt in her hand.

"That's pretty."

"I think Sophia will like it too." Beth smiles and puts it in her basket. "So, we are all done...or do we need to shop for someone else?"

"I don't think so. I'm covered. You?"

"Yep..." Stomach grumbling, Daryl moves back and looks at her.

"Someone's hungry...haha let's go get some food." Kissing her head, he takes his hand and they check out before heading to Cheddars. Sitting across from each other, they preorder sweet rolls and their drinks as they wait for their food to be done. Beth scarfs down two big rolls and Daryl just smiles at her. "You really are starving."

She stops like a deer in the headlights of a car and she swallows hard.


"Don't be sorry, Baby...I don't blame you."

"You don't?" She asks hesitantly.

"No. We haven't had anything all day." Relaxing in her seat, she finishes her bread and Daryl sips his beer. "They had but one get one margaritas..."

"I know...I wanted tea today. A lil early to be drinking margaritas."

"It's like 6:50. Haha."

"Haha, yeah I guess it is."

"You okay?" He asks as he notices her become slightly pale and she races from the booth to the bathroom.

He waits a few minutes and finally she comes back. Sitting back in her seat, she takes a sip of her tea and feels Daryl's hand on hers.

"Sorry...I guess I should of slowed down on the rolls instead of inhale them."

"It happens, yer good now though?"

"Yeah. I feel much better."

"You sure?"

"Yep." She nods and the waiter comes out with their meals and a refill on Beth's drink and a water for Daryl. They eat and Daryl just watches her closely. She's not really herself, but then again he's not really himself either.

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