Chapter 58:

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Chapter 58:

It's a few days after Kylie was baptized and Beth had begun going back to work, along with Daryl who is estranged being away from his girls. Down in the candy shop, baby strapped to her chest and customers buying, praising, and just watching Beth as she manages the shop and the small girl, Beth moves with ease through her day, even though there's a little one strapped to her chest sleeping through the bustle. These weeks have been going by quickly that she sometimes forgets that Kylie is already one and a half months old.

They say having a family goes by quickly, but she never thought it'd be this quick. It seems that those nine months went by like molasses and now someone pressed fast foreword 2X on her life remote. This fast growing is not what Beth planned for. She expected long nights of feeding, little sleep and crying all the time, but the truth is, Kylie is so damn perfect it's as if all of this is a dream and Beth's able to control a bit of it. Michone, who's been on edge when it comes to Rick, removes herself from the kitchen and greats the child and Beth with a smile.

"How's everything going, Mama?" Chone asks as she runs her thin finger over Kylie's soft cheek, as the child sleeps soundly against Beth.

"Good. I think this is the best quarter we've had so far. How are you and Merle making out back there?" A bit of tension catches Beth's eye, but she shakes it off. something's definitely happening in the shop. The winds have changed, as her grandpa would have told her.

"Well...we got tomorrow stock done and I have extra cotton candy already made for when ya run out." She recovers quickly and starts arranging a couple of the counter items. "so I hear your Dad's preparing for the festival."

"Yeah, he thought it'd be nice to start up the fairs again. Town needs something entertaining every once in a while. I think it's good for us too. Sell taffy, cotton candy, Carmel apples. All of it."

"See, yer dad says it's for the town, but really I think it's to bring ya more business."

"Well, gotta safe up for a house, the wedding, college for this one- if she wants to go of course. I'm not gonna make her." Kissing the child's head, Beth smiles before letting a frown cross her face. "Everything's been happening so fast... I'm just scared I'll wake up tomorrow- gray haired and forgetful."

"Haha well, it happens to everyone eventually. Just be prepared." This doesn't make Beth feel any better about everything, but it's nice to have a dash of unfair reality in her day.

"I guess I have to be." She laughs. Taking one last smile at the child in Beth's arms, Michone heads back to the kitchen.

As the day turns into night, Beth begins to feed Kylie her dinner as the apartment door swings open. Daryl, looking tired and beat, comes in and sets his stuff down before kissing Beth's head and then Kylie's. Going to the fridge, he grabs a beer and heads into the living room, plopping down on the couch as he sips back his Yeungling's. Getting up, Beth burps Kylie and then places her in her crib before sitting next to Daryl. He tugs her close to him without saying a word and continues to sip his beer in utter silence.

"How was your day?" Beth asks quietly as she plays with his badge on his shirt.

"Not good." He shuts her out quickly, but gently as he continues to drink, before getting up and going to grab another beer. When he comes back, Beth is sitting up and looking at him in disbelief and a bit of fear. Drinking his dirt beer, he doesn't look at her, but she doesn't look away from him.

"What happened?" Beth asks shyly, afraid that he may explode. Taking another sip, he sighs it down and goes to hand her the other beer. She pushes it away. "You know I can't cause of Kylie."

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