Chapter 2:

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Chapter 2:

Waking up in his apartment, Daryl rolls out of his full sized bed and shuffles across the his flat to the restroom. Taking a piss, he's still half asleep, when he flushes. It was a long night. To many calls about either drunk people or disputes. Looking at his clock, it's already 9:30 am and he is off duty. Thank God...i he believed in the almighty that is. He starts making his coffee as he opens up his door to the small backyard he shares with his lower neighbors Sasha and Bob.

"Come on, Jake, go outside and do yer business." The young Bloodhound, that comes to Daryl knee, comes lumbering to the door and then slowly goes down the steps. The cool September breeze catches Daryl off guard and he shuts the glass door as the dog below does circles in the yard. Since the bedroom is also connected to the Kitchen and living room, only being separated by one wall and no door, Daryl never really has to be awake to know he's getting around safely, until he runs into the coffee table an has to open his eyes.

Meeting Jake back at the door, he opens it up and the pup sprints in and slides across the oak floor.

"Hey Beavis, just cause it's sound proof doesn't mean they won't feel the earthquake." He laughs and the pup comes running back over to him. "Yeah yeah, yer sorry. Here, have a piece of toast from yesterday."

The dog crunches the old pierce of bread and then runs to his food bowl to eat kibble.

"Let's see what's going on in the world...Shall we?" Opening the small newspaper Senonia produces, Daryl flips from page to page finding nothing interesting, until he hits the food critic section and finds a picture of Beth Greene in front of her shop. "Jake, this is the girl I met yesterday. The candy shop girl..."

The dog sniffs the paper and Daryl pulls it back so he can read aloud.

"Local candy shop owner, Beth Greene, 24, of Senonia county, is holding her 4th annual Sweets Day this morning from 10:30 am to 3:00pm.

Ms. Greene has been wowing us with her candy making skills for four years now and we just can't get enough of her raw talent. Coming from a farming household, Greene took her love for backing and turned it into the sweet tasty treats we know and love today.

Beth says the real reason she gets up every day at 5:00 and goes to bed every night at 1:30, is because "I love seeing that the candy I make, brings people in the community together. everyone loves candy and sweet treats...I want to share what I love with everyone so I can see their faces light up with joy. It's very humbling."

But unlike Beth's statement of "everyone loves candy", Beth Greene has yet to persuade her not so sweet boyfriend of four years, Gareth Bane, 26, to try her candy or even give her a ring. But that doesn't stop this young driven woman from stopping what she loves. Beth has over 245 different kinda of candy, most from her own mind and taste pallet.

So if yer caught with nothing to do today, stop by My Sister's Old Sweet Shoppe and get yerself something for that sweet tooth."

Jake lowers his head and whimpers as Daryl folder the paper back up and places it on the table. Looking down at the dog, Daryl smiles and pats his head.

"Wanna go fer a walk bud?" The dog sits up and wags his tail.

It's almost time to open the doors and Beth is so excited. She has a canopy out front for kids to play different small carnival games to win small penny candy and she also has kissing booth that Rosita will be working today.

She's so excited about today that she feels her heart will burst. Every year, this event gets bigger and bigger. from the past two years it's doubled in size, collecting other venders to put up booths and join in on the fun. Her father sets up his farm booth next to her shop, where he's planning in selling cheese, eggs, crops, and if someone's desperate he'll treat their animals they bring, being Hershel's the only vet in Senonia.

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