Chapter 4:

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Chapter 4:

Gareth never found out about that day Beth was being consoled in Daryl's kitchen. No, he didn't figure that out, but he still found reasons to beat Beth senseless for the rest of the week. The whole week went by like Molasses or Beth.

On Monday, he smacked her around for burning dinner. On Tuesday he raped her again, cause she didn't make the bed before work. Wednesday, he nearly broke her jaw by kicking her cause she spilt his coffee and was cleaning it up. That Thursday he pummeled her to a pulp cause he saw Daryl and Rick in the store again, which they were just doing their regular routine, but Friday is the worst.

On Friday, Gareth has the day off and monitors Beth all day. He makes excuses to be in the shop today. Whether it is to have better phone service or to simply 'watch how Beth runs her shop' or any other excuses he feels are acceptable.

He isn't satisfied knowing that cop comes around every morning to buy something, let alone ask Beth how she is doing. Daryl doesn't sit right in Gareth's book. He is always looking at Beth with those blue eyes that seem to hypnotize her. So when Gareth comes down stares to see Beth and him talking this Friday morning, he has to bring it to someone's attention.

"Shouldn't you be on duty?" He asks as he comes down the stars and shuts the door behind him. Daryl has tried all week to be nice to Gareth, but without Rick around today, he's losing his charm fast.

"My shift doesn't start for another 45...thanks for checking." He hisses. Gareth goes behind the counter and wraps an arm around Beth, making a claim. It's an obvious flinch that cause Daryl to steam as he knows Gareth is only going to act sweet with Beth cause he's there- but this in turn is what makes her feel he can change for the better. Daryl knows it's a complete lie.

"And how are you today Sweetheart?" He kisses her neck and she flinches again.

"I'm good...."

"Great. So Officer Dick, where'd you come from anyway?" He asks as he step behind Beth and presses himself into her and rubs his hands up and down her stomach and thighs, before wrapping them around her stomach and kissing the top of her head.

"It's Dixon. I worked over in Macon, til they transferred me. What do you do for a living?" He tries not to sound angry, but he can't help it, he sees Beth's uncomfortable with Gareth's touches, but can't say anything.

"I work for a Corporate Office."

"Oh, I pegged you for a Barista at a Starbucks cause yer so friendly...not as a snake in a suit and tie who pushes papers among other things." Beth's eyes widen at the comment and she feels Gareth's grip tighten and hears him grind his teeth. Daryl just wants to punch that bastard in the face, but refrains.

"Officer Dixon, here's yer treats. Have a good day." She says as she hands him the bag with a pleading smile to go away.

"Thanks Ms. Greene. Mr. Bane." He tips his ball cap as he exits the store and keeps an eye on them as he gets in his car. Once they see him go, Beth starts to tense up, it can't end well for her. Turning around, she places her palms on Gareth's shoulders and reaches up, kissing his cheek.

"He's such a comedian, that cop....haha, always jarring people." Beth says cautiously as she walks passed him and heads to the kitchen.

"Is he now? Cause that was a lil rude, if you ask me." Gareth follows her in, but doesn't go near her. He watches her from the other side of the counter. "About that bruise on yer shoulder, I thought I told you to were long sleeves."

"Gareth, it's hot...I'll go cover it with make up..." She starts to leave the kitchen, but he blocks her.

"Forget it. What do you tell people when they see those?" He snaps.

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