Chapter 60:

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Chapter 60:

Sitting in the truck, he waits for Beth to come out of the hospital so he can apologies to her. Words are pointless. They can be taken anyway, mean good and bad things, and harm or charm the ones you love. It turns up more often than not that the words we choose to say how we feel about someone often get misinterpreted for worse and not best. After a shitty morning, Daryl really doesn't want to make things bad by talking to Beth while she's still angry and upset, but at the same time he doesn't wanna leave and make her feel he's really done with her- because he's not. So he sits and waits for a few more minutes and then drives off to the apartment. On his way home, Merle calls his cellphone.

"Baby Brudder."

"Merle why would you cheat on Carol? You always fuck things up."

"I'll admit the first time I was a bit drunk..."

"How many other times Merle! Two..."

"Why? Are you just so heartless that you couldn't see you had something wonderful ins front of you?"

"Yeah, I fucked up okay! I'm not the reason for Sophia though!" His voice booms over the speaker and Daryl pulls it back from his ear.

"I know...I know. Listen, I think it'd be best if you just, stay away for a while. You just need to clear the air and let Carol have her peace."

"You saying you don't want me around no more?" He sounds disappointed, but Daryl can't help his brother messed up.

"Of course I want you around, but I think everyone, Carol and Beth- they just need space." Merle sighs and hangs up the phone. Pulling into his parking spot, Daryl gets out of his truck and goes into the shop to head upstairs. When he gets there, Maggie smiles and hands him Kylie, who is gurgling and waving her happy arms at him. Without a word Maggie leaves and all Daryl can do is sit with his child until Beth gets home so they can talk.

"Hi baby girl. Oh hello my sweetheart." He kisses her little face and she grabs his chin hair with her small little fingers. Looking at the clock it's already 9:30 and Daryl just wants Beth home. He said shitty things, but by no means would he say them again if he could take them back.

Hearing the door creek, Daryl lays Kylie in her crib and finds Beth standing in the hallway, still covered in blood and look very upset. Going over to her, he looms down into her eyes and notices that they are red and teary. Taking her hand in his, he leads her to the restroom in their room, starts the water for a bath and undresses her. Once she's in the tub, he kisses her forehead, sets her engagement ring in the counter and shuts the door behind him as he leaves.

Laying in bed, he doesn't know if sea going to take him back or not. It's just another step at a time.

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