Chapter 39:

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Chapter 39:

After two days of heavily avoiding her family and Carol, Beth finally decides to actually step out of her office. It's not that she's ashamed of being pregnant with Daryl's child, she's just scared of what everyone will see. A twenty-four year old these days don't just pop babies out unless they're deranged, a door knob, or already married. Beth doesn't fall into any of these categories, but here she is, pregnant and worried. Standing at the counter, selling the sweets she and Michone made this morning, Merle comes out with a basket of chocolate Rose petals (chocolate covered banana chips) and set them on the back counter, before noticing Beth's death grip on the counter.

"Wow now, whatcha gripping that for? You okay?" Coming over he puts a hand on the small of her back and the other on her shoulder.

"Yeah..." She's short of breath and Merle fears something's wrong, but it soon passes Beth and she releases the counter from her grips.

"You wanna go gets checked by a doctor?"

"No, I'm fine. My insides have just been twisting."

"You got a mover and shaker there darlin'. Gonna join a kick line when she's older." Merle jokes and Beth smiles widely. She wants to know who her little girl is and what she looks like. She wants to know who she'll look like most. Beth's curious about a lot of it, but answers aren't exactly easy to come by.

"Hey Beth, the phones for you." Michone peeks out with the receiver on her shoulder. Stepping out from behind the counter she thankfully grabs the phone and picks up.

"Hello, Beth Greene here...."

"Beth, it's Dr. Edwards..."

"Oh hi..."

"We got the tests back today." Switching to her other ear, she's nervous about them and is unsure she wants the results. She holds in her breath. "She's doing fine and so are you."

Releasing her breath, she smiles and continues to listen about the procedure and medical things Edwards is telling her. When she hangs up, strong arms wrap around her and kiss her neck, swaying them back and forth like they are dancing. Holding on his arms, Beth turns her face to kiss him and soon her whole body.

"How's everything going?" He genuinely asks as his hands move to her upper back, holding her close to his chest as they start a slow dance in the hallway between the kitchen and her office.

"Perfect. Dr. Edwards just called and said our girls perfectly fine and so am I." His smile grows wider as they dance about, now with her head on his shoulder.

"I'm so glad to hear that. How are you feeling though. Merle said you had a white knuckle moment." His eye brows raise, still concerned, but with a soft voice as he kisses her head.

"Oh I'm fine. That was just my back. I slept on it wrong last night. It was like an electric shock."

"You wanna go get it checked out by a chiropractor?"

"No...if it doesn't get better I'll go, but right now, I'm okay." Twirling her around, he brings her back to his chest and she smiles brightly. "Where did you learn to dance?"

"Doesn't Prince Charming always know how to dance?" He raises and twirls her again before dipping her low and bringing her back up to meet his gaze again.

"Yer Prince Charming?"

"I am...if you see fit."


He stops dancing and looks at her. Standing on her tip toes she pecks his lips and explains.

"I don't want Prince Charming cause what moron identifies a lady by a shoe and not her face or voice. If he can't pay attention to her face and not their feet he's not fit to have a princess."

"Who am I then?"

"You are the best prince of them all."

"Who's that?"

"You." Smiling down at her, he gently caresses her cheek before kissing her gently.

"You are such a romantic."

"I know."

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