Chapter 56:

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Chapter 56:

She took another nap while breakfast was being made. Her whole body feels heavy and pained into existence. Waking up to the smell of bacon is never a bad thing in Beth's book.

"Hey sleepy...breakfast is done. Daryl sits on the edge of the couch as he places the food tray on the coffee table and presses his lips gently against her forehead. His whole body is warmed for some reason and his stature is erect. She's starting to notice why he's a police officer, always seeming to be on duty and ready to take care of business when need be. "You feeling any better?"

"A little. What'd you make?"

"I made eggs, bacon, toast and coffee. Can I get you anything else?"

"No, this is wonderful. Thank you." Grabbing a piece of bacon, he club reals it in half and feeds him half while she munches on the other. "Do you work today?"

"No, I got two weeks off to take care of my girls. Now, I need to go open the store because it's Monday and Michone is gearing to go." Pecking her lips quickly, he stands up an heads downstairs while Beth eats her breakfast, while watching Just Go With It and texts Maggie about how sweet Daryl is.

When the movie is halfway over, Kylie wakes up and Beth struggle to get up and go to the child. Turning off the swinging basinet, she gently scoops the girl up and gently shushes her teary cries. Taking her to the bathroom where her changing table is, Beth changes her dirty diaper, sanitizes her bottom and puts her in a new onsie with Pink flowers on it and a bumblebee. Placing a newborn sized gentle headband on her head, Beth smiles because she looks like those small bitty babies she used to have, but smaller. Kissing her cheeks, Beth gently rocks the child in her arms and goes back to the living room. Sitting on the couch, Beth watches the rest of the movie while she supports Kylie.

"You look so naturally happy." Startling her, Beth jumps a bit and notices Michone in the doorway smiling.

"You scared me, Chone."

"I'm sorry. How are you feeling girl?" Coming closer, Michone sits beside her on the couch and brushes an ebony finger over the small girl's cheek.

"Oh, I'm fine, just a lil sore, but other than that, I'm perfect. She's perfect."

"She looks perfect. How's Daryl? I know he's working the store right now."

"I didn't even ask him too. Haha he's so into helping out around here. I fear he thinks I might get rid of him. Which is irrational." Beth snorts with a chuckle and gently hands Kylie over to Michone, who has her arms extended for the child.

"Yeah, I don't understand why men feel like that?"

Daryl starts walking up the stairs and stops right in the corner of the kitchen as he hears the conversation before.

"Right. I'm done and leaving him. I have a baby, a job, like the last thing I want is a husband...." Turning around Daryl walks slumped shouldered down the stars and back to the store. "Who thinks like that? I love Daryl. I couldn't live without him. If I ever lose him Michone...I don't know what I'll do."

"Yeah, some guys are so slow when it comes to what women want. Like I've been hinting to Rick that I wanna get married, but he doesn't see it. He thinks that I like being single. Can't tell him or any many what we really want cause they twist it." Kylie starts crying and Michone hands her back to Beth before saying goodbye. Getting up, Beth takes her to the bedroom to breast feed her since she hadn't gotten around to getting a breast pump for her. As she sits, she looks out toward the far end of the park and notices a familiar figure sulking away.


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