Chapter 65:

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Chapter 65:

She fell asleep crying last night and this morning her whole body hurts and aches. She can't even think about Daryl- she's already given up. Getting up, she stretches before going to grab Kylie- who's looking up at her with big blue eyes and light brown hair dusting her head. The child smiles gayly up at her mother, but it's a struggle for Beth to smile back at her. Nothing seems real or perfect any more. Twelve months ago everything was shitty. Then it got better and now it's worse again. Taking Kylie to get a bottle, Beth shuffles in anguish to the fridge and then heats up the bottle before testing it and feeding it to the baby. Why is God punishing her? She's always been the good girl- never got in trouble, never hurt anyone (she believes), always did good in school, ran track, etc.- but God sends her people who harm her and never think twice about it. Why? The only real good thing he's ever given her was Kylie and her family- shop included. So why is it that she's denied happiness?

"Hello?" From the opened door at the staircase, Beth hears Maggie. Wiping her eyes, she calls her up and continues feeding the baby in her tired arms. "Beth, what's...what's wrong?"

"Daryl cheated on me with Carol!" Bursting at the seems, Beth can't control her tears any more. Her sister steps back and seems shocked, before going to her and holding her as close as she can without smothering Kylie.

"What?! What the Hell are you talking about?"

"He's been gone two months and apparently fucked the woman that I've been caring for!" Taking the baby, who is starting to get upset, Maggie, pats her back and just stares at Beth as if she has three heads. "He told me last night after we got home from the hospital with Kylie..."

"Beth, why didn't you call me?"

"I don't know how to handle this. I've been crying nonstop for the past two days, my whole body hurts, and I'm so mad I could kill someone."

"No, no Beth, don't say that." Slouching in her chair, her head falls into her hands and she can't take this pain anymore. She's so tired of hurting that she doesn't want to be in this town.

"I want to move. I have to go."

"And go where? What about your shop?" They stare at each other and both sigh.

"Atlanta maybe? I don't know, I just want to get out of this God damn town." Violent tears fall and Maggie just sits across from Beth.

"If...huh, if you really want to go, huh, I can take care of the shop and send you the money you need. I don't like this thought of you just going by yourself and Kylie." Shrugging her shoulders, Beth just plays with her hands, ready to just give up everything. Looking over at Kylie, the small girl smiles in Maggie's lap and Beth smiles slightly.

"We'll be okay... I just can't be here any more."

"Okay...then let's start packing."


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2015 ⏰

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