Chapter 54:

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Chapter 54:

After a few days in the hospital, Beth and Daryl get ready to go home with Kylie in her carrying seat. It's still a wonder how Kylie changed so fast into being healthy and alive. Granted whatever caused this Beth wouldn't want to be taken back, but her mind and heart would still like to know. As for Daryl, it all made sense. When one soul left this earth, Rose Kylie, and another was brought into it, Kylie Rose, all seemed to coincide with each other. Was meeting Rose Kylie by accident? Or on purpose? Daryl had wished and prayed for some miracle to happen. Wa that the miracle? Did God actually hear him? Whatever one would like to believe, Daryl kept his word to Beth, as both get ready to go to church this morning.

They figured with the miracle still crisp in their lives, they might as well just take the newborn to church straight from Grady. Who doesn't have time to pray, if one has time for witnessing the unimaginable?

"She looks adorable in that lil Winnie the Pooh onsie, Maggie brought her." Beth says as she kisses the little babes forehead after adjusting the small bow on her head to mask that the little girl hadn't sprouted hair yet. "Don't you think?"

"I think you both look beautiful. Oh, and Merle set up a crib I had Carol but the other day. And Rick brought over some baby supplies he doesn't use for Judy any more."

"Great, I really appreciate what everyone's been doing for us."

"Well, we all just love ya so much and you've always helped them out...they just wanna give back." Pulling into the church parking lot, they get out and Daryl carries in the seat, while Beth holds Kylie, who's barely awake. Walking into the church, the parishioners come and visit Beth and the baby along with Daryl- giving them joy and good blessings, they too have heard about the miracle.

"Oh how precious."

"She is a doll."

"So beautiful." One right after another come and speak to the young family until the Father Gabriel announces the beginning of the service.

"Welcome everyone. I see we have two new comers to our parish. Officer Dixon and Ms. Greene's daughter Kylie Rose. We welcome you both to our family and wish you to come back. Let's begin with a morning prayer." After they get through the whole service without a peep from Kylie, Daryl and Beth make their way to Father Gabriel. "Ah, Beth. Daryl. And this must be Kylie Rose. Everyone was saying how beautiful she was, but seeing with my own words, she's angelic."

"Thank you very much, Father." Beth smiles and Daryl bows his head a bit in thanks. "Father Gabriel, we were wondering if we could set up a time to baptize Kylie."

"Of course. When were you thinking?"

"I was thinking in two weeks."

"Sounds perfect. I can look over the Parishes calendar and call you with openings you can dried from."

"Thank you so much Father."

"Bless you and your new family." They part ways and head home to the apartment, where they sink into the couch and relax after putting Kylie in her crib.

"So...what'd you think?"

"Of church? It was nice. I see why you go, the community is pleasant."

"Haha, I go for worship, but it helps when the parish is so kind...don't suppose you'll wanna go next Sunday, will you?"

"Depends on if I work or not." Kissing her temple, he pulls her close and curl around each other. "You tired?"

"Yes...I'm so drained, even though I didn't do anything."

"You've been up at the hospital taking care of our little girl...that's not nothing. You should be taking it easy." She lays more into him and feels his chest rise and fall in rhythm. "I'll take care of her tonight."

"Oh, yer gonna breast feed her? I'd love to see that. Haha." She smirks and he scrunches his face with pretending to be irritated.

"Well now...haha I guess I'll do diapers then."

"I always knew you were a Depends guy."

"Really an adult diaper joke. So rude...better than normal though."

"Yeah...I'm sorry about that."

"No, baby, it's okay. It happens." She kisses his jaw and he holds her tightly, but avoids her stitches on her abdomen. "Ya know...since Kylie came early, we could start planning the wedding."

"Yeah, but not now. I'm so tired."

"Me too. I almost fell asleep in church."

"Don't worry. Everyone does...just make it look like yer praying and all is forgiven." They laugh and soon fall asleep on the couch. Their new life has begun with the most beautiful new face.

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