Chapter 41:

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Chapter 41:

It isn't easy for Daryl being away from Beth. He never expected that loving someone made you worry constantly when you were away. Now that he ha two people to worry about, he was doublely a worried mess. Sitting at his desk, he watches the clock until he can finally go home. He knows Merle is taking good care of Beth, but that doesn't matter-it's not him personally. The last thing he wants is to come home and find her in pain or upset. It took a good week before she was release from the hospital and now that she's back makes Daryl a train wreck. When the phone rings, he doesn't hesitate to pick it up.

"Officer Dixon..."

"Daryl." Her voice sounds raspy as if she's been smoking her whole life.

"Baby, what's wrong? You okay?" He panics and sits up in his seat.

"We're fine...can you pick up something sweet from the candy shop and I'll have Merle write it off tomorrow.

"Of course. What would you like?" He calms down and can hear her fussing with her own thoughts and decisions.

", cake....hmm...something" He internally laughs at her hard decision and she gives up quickly. "Bring an assorted basket up I guess...."

"Haha, okay Sweetie. Anything else?"

"Yeah...." He says child-like.

"What is?"

"I love you." She softly says and he can hear her biting her lip, which makes him blush madly at his desk.

"Oh baby, I love you so much. And baby girl."

"We love you." In the background he hears Bailey howling away as Jake barks at something.

"What's going on?"

"I don't know. They're....." Suddenly Beth goes quiet and all Daryl can hear on the other end is the dogs barking.

"Beth! Beth!" Getting up, he slams the phone the down and races out to his car. Speeding across town, he pulls into his space outside the shop and races up stairs. When he gets there, blood scatters the floor and pools to the center of the kitchen. The phone is laying smacked dab in the center of it all, a dead line playing loudly from the receiver. Bloody foot prints lead to the living room.

"Beth!" Rushing into the living room he finds Bailey shot dead on the floor and Jake stabbed and gutted. "Beth! Merle!"

Going to Merle's room, he's strangled on the carpet, face pale with blue lips and bloodshot eyes, hands at his throat. Holding his head, his eyes start to tear up from the horrific sight. Backing up out of the room, he races to his bedroom, where in a rocking chair Beth is sitting facing the window. Blood pouring slowly to the floor. Slowly crossing the room, Daryl swallows.

"Beth...Baby?" When he gets to the chair, he gags and throws up from the sight. Cut open, baby dead in her arms, Beth sits displayed in the rocking chair, eyes still wide open, but chest immobile. ""

Getting closer, he gets on his knees and tears viciously fall from his burning eyes. When he goes to touch her, her eyes jerk to his and he falls back to his ass, screaming and backing up as Beth rises from the chair, empty stomach cavity, spilling organs on the floor and dropping their baby girl to a pool of blood. Walking slowly over to him, she backs him into the wall and a wicked, demonic grin forms on her face and soon her mouth opens revealing razor sharp teeth and she lunges at him, sending him into darkness am leaving his body wet.

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