Chapter 37:

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Chapter 37:

Holding her hand, Daryl leads Beth from the truck and into her father's house.It took a few hours before they would release Beth, but finally they found her a clean bill of health and they went off to continue celebrating Christmas. It's the first real christmas Daryl has ever actually celebrated and it makes him nervous that Beth happens to be pregnant.Will she tell Hershel now or later?

As they hug her family, Beth seems to be radiating some sort of vibe to him. What it is, is beyond his knowledge at the moment.

"Bethy, what happened?" Hershel asks as he examines his daughter's wrist and head.

"Car accident...I'm okay though."

"Oh my...come sit. Come on in Daryl, don't be shy around us son." Hershel claps him on the shoulder and both lead Beth to the couch and sit on either side of her. The trimmings around the room are beautiful and festive, making Daryl wonder why exactly one strings up popcorn for a tree and garland for walls with boughs of holly?

"Merry Christmas by the way. Where's Maggie and Glenn?"

"On their way. Otis and Patricia are joining us, I hope you don't mind."

"Not at all." Beth waves him off and is still holding Daryl's hand tightly her palm is starting to get a little sweaty, but Daryl doesn't care, he's nervous too. Is she too young to be a mother? Well she could be 16, but that would make him a predator.

"I'm gonna check on the ham real quick. Can I get you anything?"

"No we're fine, thank you." When he leaves, Beth lets a huge breath out and places a hand on her stomach.

"You okay?" Daryl whispers so not to attract attention from Hershel.

"I'm so nervous...should we tell him? But them he might think we're only married cause of it."

"Beth, just take a few deep breaths okay? The only people who know about this is you and me."

"And Merle."

"What! Why does Merle know?"

"Well you left and I was upset and crying in my closet and he..."

"Why were you in the closet?"

"I was doesn't matter. What matters is that he was comforting me, so he knows." Hershel pops his head in real quick.

"Do you two want some crackers and cheese?"

"Sure Daddy. Thank you."

"Beth, I think we should at least keep this between us for a whole okay? I love you and I need you to stay calm and happy for the her." Sighing, Beth closes her eyes and take a few deep breaths before leaning into him for a deep huge and a quick peck on the lips.

"Yer right. We'll wait until after News Years. I'm only five weeks, I think most people wait until their second trimester to announce anything."

"See we have time. Besides, The more people who now, the less I get you two to myself." Tenderly kissing her cheek, Hershel comes back in and smiles as he sets a cheese and cracker player down. "Thank you, Hershel."

"No problem. How's law?"

"Risky as usual. How's Mayoring?

"Easy, which makes it boring. But I get to farm most days unless they call me in."

"That's delightful. Daddy, I'm gonna go freshen up a bit, if you'll excuse me." Leaving, Daryl smiles and turns back to Hershel, as he eats a cracker.

"How's she doing?"

"She's well. This morning had her a little shake, but she's strong."

"Were you with her?" Looking down in shame Daryl shakes his head.

"No, I was on call...I came up on it. Went straight to the hospital."

"Well, I'm lucky she has you. Yer a great man Daryl."

"Thank you, Sir. It means a lot to have you say that." Hershel smiles and them gets the door after a knock comes.

"Otis and Patricia, I bet."

As she comes back, she looks a little sick and Daryl kisses her temple.

You okay, Sweetie?"

"Sickness still...daddy?"

"Getting the door. How else are you feeling?"

"Fine. a slight headache, but I'm okay."

"Okay, just want to make sure yer alright."

As they sit down at dinner now that Maggie and Glenn had arrived, Daryl just can't stop thinking about how on Earth he's going to raise a little girl. Having a kid is one thing to deal with. Having a girl is totally different. If it were a boy, he'd be worried, but be able to handle it. Having a girl, he's terrified beyond recognition.

"You okay?" Beth asks as she sees Daryl go lightly pale.

"Yeah, just gonna get a drink..." He stands from the table, but collapses quickly to the floor. Beth and everyone is quickly out of their seats and Beth fans him.

"Daryl? Oh Daryl." Beth concernedly says as she fans him with her napkin as Hershel elevates his feet. When they get him to the spare bedroom, Beth sits with him as the others give him space. When he wakes up finally in a short daze, Beth let's a breath go and smiles softly at him. "Hey you... Whatcha doing?"

" head." He tries to sit up and Beth gently pushes his chest back down with her finger tips.

"You need to rest. You took quite a fall." Kissing his forehead, Beth smiles at him and his hand soon finds itself on her stomach. "Oh..."

"Hey you... Hello...I love you." Looking up at Beth, she can't stop smiling as she rubs her hand over his chest.

"We love you too." Leaning forward she kisses him again and this time he holds her with his hand on the nape of her neck and prolongs the kiss. When he finally pulls back, her eyes slowly flutter open and two blue sapphires sparkle in his eyes. "Why'd you pass out?"

"Huh, it's stupid really."

"Tell me." She sweetly coos.

"I'm nervous about having a girl." He whispers quietly.

"Daryl..." She gently scolds. "What?"

"Boys are easy...girls are like puzzles...and I'm terrible at puzzles."

"But I'm a puzzle..." She coyly traps him with another long kiss and he surrenders his mouth to her tongue. "And you play my pieces very well."

"But it's different. I don't know the first thing about raising a baby, let alone taking care of a girl." He continues to whisper and she lays down beside him on her side.

"It's going to all be hard, trust me. But we'll do it together."

"This is why yer the strongest, bravest, smartest, person I know."

"And yer mine."

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