Chapter 47:

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Chapter 47:

As the day turned into night and Beth grew more and more tired, Daryl lays beside her in bed- rubbing his hand over their baby girl.

"We need a name, Beth..."

"I know. I've been thinking, but there's so many." Sighing, arches her back as she tugs Daryl's shirt she's wearing flat so it's not crinkled beneath her. "Have you been thinking of names?"

"Well...I kinda didn't wanna pick anything stupid to suggest, so no."

"Great. Leave it up to me to think of everything."

"Yer a little brat wanna snickers?" Tossing his pillow at his face, he grabs it and puts it back under his head as Beth frowns from her failed attempt.

"I wanna name for our little girl."

"Okay, let's start thinking. How bout Rose?"

"Is she coming out 95? No."

"Well, what about Samantha?"

"Generic. Everyone and their mother is named Samantha, just like Elizabeth, Emily, Marie, Anne, and Brittney."

"I told you, you wouldn't want me to pick a name cause those were the other ones I was gonna suggest." Growling to herself, Beth's more than frustrated with names. "Kylie, Esmay, Ivanka, Dakota, Kodie, and Chole."

"Wait...what was the first name?"


"Yeah...I kinda like that one. What about a middle name now?" Sighing, Daryl begins thinking again.

"Kylie Ray, Kylie, Maxine, Kylie Rose, Kylie Anne, Kylie Faith, Kylie Eméline..."

"Kylie Rose isn't you like it?"

"I love it, Babe." He kisses her lips and continues to rub his hand over her stomach.

"Yer not just saying that are you?"

"No. I love it. Our little Kylie Rose."

"Oh it's so perfect. Kylie Rose Dixon. I love it." She yawns and he smiles down at her. He's so glad they're doing this. He wants this baby so much that he is going crazy having to wait four more months for her to be born.

"We need to get to sleep, baby. Yer tired and so am I." laying beside her, he shuts the lamp off and kisses her cheek before they fall asleep.

The next day Beth wakes up to Bailey licking her hand that has fallen off the side of the bed.

"Hey baby. You've been getting so big." She bends down to the Basset hound and plays with her ears.

"She and Jake have been biting each other's ears." Daryl grumbles from under his arm. Rolling over to face him, Beth licks his cheek and he just looks at her.

"Puppy Kiss!" She squeaks with delight and he shakes his head. "Ooo..."

"What?" He sits up panicked an Beth just smiles.

"Kylie kicked. Here, feel." Grabbing his hand Beth spreads his hand flat against her stomach and they wait. After a few seconds, Kylie kicks again and Daryl just smiles widely.

"What's it feel like? To have life inside you? To feel that?" He looks at her puzzled and she thinks about it. It's hard to describe.

"It's like...hmm, well when she kicks it's like being tickled, but on yer insides. And she, in general, feels like a small powerful ball of energy. It's pop rocks. You constantly feel her moving some how, even if she isn't kicking. Does that make sense?"

"Yes, surprisingly it does. I am so in love with you. When we get married, I'll be ten times happier than I am now, cause you'll officially be mine."

"Yer such a romantic. Oo, there she is again."

"I can't wait until we get to meet her face to face. Come July that baby girl of ours is gonna be the center of everything."

"I know. It may be only March, but Four months is still a long way away."

"Yeah...on the other hand, Merle's probation is up in less than a week. You know what that means right?"


"That means we can find a house, Merle can find his own place...and we can begin our lives." Kissing her neck, Beth just smiles and thinks of what that entails exactly. She's nervous, but so excited.

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