Chapter 48:

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Chapter 48:

Waking up the next morning with Daryl wrapped around her body, Beth feels sick. Bursting out of his arms, she races to the bathroom and throws up all she has to offer the porcelain God. Wiping her mouth and washing out the taste of bile, she returns to Daryl, who's sitting up in bed worried.

"You okay, Babe?"

"Yeah...morning sickness." Sitting back in bed, she looks down at he growing stomach and then at Daryl. "You work today?"

"Yep. Only the night shift, so you got me all day."

"You gonna go to church this morning?" Looking away, Beth know it's a lose cause and sighs before laying back down.

"If you want me to go, I'll go."

"I don't want you to do anything you don't want too."

"Does anybody really wanna go to church?" He snickers and she glowers at him. "Baby, I just don't feel comfortable going cause I've never gone and I don't..."

"Believe. I know. What are you gonna do when we get Kylie baptized, wait outside?"

"Who said we were baptizing anyone?" She glares at him as if he's wearing a dunce cap.

"Excuse me? Our baby's being baptized in a good Christian church."

"What if I'm against it?" He pushes his luck. Standing up, she throws her alarm clock at him, which he dodges and breaks on the floor.

"Get the fuck out!"

"What's going on?" Merle races in and notices the heavy tension. Walking out of the room an down to her store, Beth fumes and Daryl just sits stewing in his hot mess. "What'd you do?"

"All I said, joking mind you, that I was against Kylie being baptized."

"Who's Kylie??" Daryl gives him a look and Merle hakes his head, now understanding. "You knows that girls really religious right?"

"Yeah, I get that. I don't care if she gets baptized or not. it means nothing to me. I just wish Beth would've considered what I want too. Or at least talked to me about it instead of assuming I'd be okay with it." Pulling on his boots and a new shirt, Daryl growls and heads after Beth.

Finding her slamming pots and pans in the kitchen, he's hesitant about getting near her.


"Go away!" She sniffs and he realizes she's been crying.

"Beth...I'm sorry. I was just joking." She ignores him and he sighs before bravely going closer to her. "Baby, I just wish you would've talked to me about it. I would've said yes's's also my decision."

She turns around and wraps her arms around him. Taking in his scent, she sobs and he just holds her close.

"I broke my Alarm clock...."

"Yeah, you did."

"I'm just so sucks."

"I know...but hey, in four months you won't be hormonal any more and we'll have our beautiful Kylie Rose...then we can get married, find a house, have more beautiful babies. Hmm? How's that sound?"

"Pretty good... I'm sorry."

"It's okay, Honey. Just another day."

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