Chapter 38:

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Chapter 38:

Getting home the next morning, Carol, Sophia, and Merle are just saying goodbye as Beth and Daryl open the apartment door. They say their goodbyes and sit at the table to rehash all that happened yesterday with Merle.

"Oh my...haha you fainted."

"Shut up..."

"Boys. No fighting. Now then, Merle, we canst tell anyone until I'm in my second trimester okay." His face sinks and Beth and Daryl narrow their eyes at him.


"What umm?" Daryl growls.

"Well..." Merle says and Daryl dives out of his chair and knocks Merle onto the floor. They roll around beating on each other and Beth grabs her air horn and nearly blows their ear drums open as the dogs scatter under beds. Pulling apart from each other, they both look at Beth and both men have bleeding noses or lips.

"Enough." Beth sternly says and both Dixons sit up. "You told Carol didn't you?"

"Yes....I'm sorry."

"Well we're fucked. She's gonna tell Daddy and we're both dead." Beth exclaims.

"I told her not to tell anyone."

"That means nothing. It can slip out and it will, I guarantee. Huh..." Sitting back down, Beth puts her head in her hands and Daryl stands up, wiping his lip on a paper towel.

"Baby, they're gonna find out anyway."

"Yeah, but I know Daddy and this ain't gonna sit well with him, no matter how much he likes you."

Getting up, she trudges off to her room and Lays down on the bed. Going to her, Daryl lays down beside her, pulling her flush to his body and leaving kisses on her neck.

"It'll be okay baby."

"I don't know about that, Daryl."

"Beth, I love you. We'll be okay. I promise."

"How can you promise something like that?"

"Because I have faith in us. In you and our baby girl." Rolling over to kiss him, he notices her blue eyes shimmer and he rubs her hip with his hand as his mouth places butterfly kisses on hers.

"You make me believe you too easily...sorcerer."

"Haha I keep my Yensid hat in my truck."

"Nice name drop." She giggles as he plays in her hair. She gets quietly suddenly and he stops playing with her hair and holds her cheek. "If yer not ready for this, you don't..."

"Stop. Beth. Stop. I love you and I want you and her no matter what. Yer mine and I'm not going anywhere. I promise you that. Now, give me a kiss and tell me I'm know my ego needs this." He jokes with her to make her laugh and it works.

"Yer pretty...pretty ugly."

" dare you! How dare you!" Exclaiming in a silly dramatic voice, he scoots down to her stomach and holds her there closely. "Yer mother is abusive, Child. She is mean and she is no longer holder of the key blade."

"Haha don't quote Kingdome Hearts to her!"

"Silence Serpent! This is a taco-burrito conversation, nachos!"

"Haha, well then!"

"Shhh....anyways Darling, what I was saying is that yer mother needs to stop stealing my t-shirts. They're no night shirts for her, cause she should go to bed naked."


"Shhh...and like I was saying, having her naked is an advantage for my sculpture building. I rise really early in the morning and would like to get to work as soon a possible before the clay goes bad."

"Yer dirtying our daughters mind!"

"Silence fiend I am explaining physics."

"No yer not!" Se shakes her head and all he can do is start tickling her stomach with kisses. As she squirms, he laughs and nips at her skin until finally he stops and looks up at her.

"Feeling better about this?"

"Not really...yer a bad influence."

"Yes, but yer still the most beautiful thing I've ever seen...until I look in a mirror."

"I hate you!" Shoving him off the bed, they laugh and she just smiles at how ridiculously love-able he is.

"No ya don't."

"No, I don't, yer right. It's the exact opposite."

Right back at ya, Beautiful."

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