Chapter 25:

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Chapter 25:

A loud crash wakes the bunch up around 4:30 in the morning. Rushing out, Daryl tells Beth to stay as he removes his gun and heads down stairs. Reaching the bottom step, Daryl finds that Jake had knocked over a few of Beth's pans. Picking them up and placing them in the sink, he brings the dog upstairs and finds Merle and Beth, huddled in the kitchen.

"I told ya ta stay back." He growls at Beth and she frowns like a tired child.

"I'm sorry...I just didn't know what to really do."

" was just Jake with yer pans. Everyone back to bed." He says tiredly and they return to their respectable places. Laying next to him, Beth is a bit hesitant on how close she should lay now that he scolded her. When he realizes she's nowhere near him, he sighs and brings her closer. "Baby, I'm sorry I snapped...I just didn't want anything to get you."

"You've been a little on edge lately...J just don't wanna ruin anything."

"Honey, I am on edge, but you shouldn't be worried about ruining anything. I love you and am trying not to release any anger out on you."

"Is this bout Merle again?"


"Daryl, you don't need to worry about anything." Kissing him gently, Beth tries to get him to relax. Slowly running her hand down his from she stops at his boxers and can't bring herself to go through that embarrassment again. "Just know everything is going to be perfect."

"I love you. You know that right?"

"I do."

"Then you must know that I'll do anything for you."

"Daryl, I know all this. You don't need to worry, Sweetheart." Kissing him gently, Beth needs him to just relax and know everything will be okay. As they snuggle closer and closer to each other, Beth can imagine this being her life forever. "Daryl?"

"Yes?" He tiredly asks and kisses her head.

"Can we always be like this?"

"I'll always keep you close to me."

"No...can this be our life?"

"Beth, am I hearing you correctly?"

"I don't understand?"

"Do you want me to ask you?" He says half tired an half confused.

"Ask me what?" She wants to at least hear him say it, if he can.

"To marry me?" He kisses her and she is taken back by this. "Is that what you mean?"

Biting her bottom lip, she smiles and nods her head. She loves how Daryl can always figure her out. Smiling down at her, he kisses her lips and holds her close to his body.

"You want me to ask you now?"


"Do you want me to ask you, now?"

"Daryl...I....I don't want you to ask me...not yet. Although, I think I know my answer."

"Okay... whenever you want me too...let me know." He places a kiss on her forehead and they soon fall asleep.

The next morning Beth wakes up to an empty bed and feels slightly terrible. As she starts her morning routine, she starts noticing that the apartment seems extra quiet. Walking into the kitchen, Beth finds a beautifully decorated table with breakfast and flowers. Standing there, it takes a few minutes, before someone wraps their arms around her waist.

"I wonder who that could be?" Turning around she screams and falls to the floor. "Miss me?"

"Gareth? No! What? Yer dead!"

"I'm not dead. I'm alive and perfectly capable of taking care if you now." He comes closer and something is off to Beth. The walls are grey, not brown. The floor is cement, not wood. Looking around she seems to be in a prison of some sort. Advancing toward her, Gareth soon multiplies into Brian, Dawn, Alex, and Mary. They come at her with bats, guns, shovels, and other weapons.

Trying to get up, Beth can't move.

"Let's have some fun. You hide and we'll try to find you. If you find Daryl, you win and we'll go away forever. If we win, we get to kill all the people you care about."

"I don't wanna play!" Beth screams as she feels blood drip down her body.

"Too late. You lose!" Looking around all he family is hung like deer and skinned. Looking to her right she finds Daryl just the same and she begins to scream and cry.

"NOOO! DARYL! NOOOO!" She wakes up with a jolt and is propping herself up on the bed with her hands behind her. Breathing heavy she looks around and Daryl and Merle both burst into the room, Daryl from the bathroom and Merle from the living room.

"Beth what's wrong! I'm here?"

"What's going on?" Merle asks as Daryl holds her close.

"Nightmare..." Daryl says and Merle stands there awkwardly until he backs up and goes into his own room. Beth, still in terror, feels wet and hopes she hasn't had an accident. Pulling back the covers a bit, she quickly covers everything back up and Daryl looks at her.

"What's wrong? You okay?"

"'s just some...Hchh, can you bring me my purse?" He looks at her pale face and then does as she asks. When he comes back ha hands her the purse and she riffles through it. "Damn it..."

"What is it?"

"Uhmm...nothing. Let me see...what's wrong?"

"No." She pulls the blankets up to her chin.

"Beth, it's okay." He tugs the blankets back and finds her sitting in a puddle of blood and he feels sick. Covering herself back up, she hides her face. "What's wrong?"

"I...I need you to go to the store for me."

"Beth, why are you bleeding like that?"

She gives him an embarrassed look and his eyes grow wider.

"Oh,, what do you need exactly?" He asks trying to slow his heart rate down.

"Regular pads and petite tampons. both by Happy don't have to get them....."

"Nonsense," He says a bit uneasy. "Yer my girl and I take care of you. I'll be back as soon as possible." He kisses her forehead and then rushes away. It doesn't take him long before he comes back with what she needed and hands her the bag and grabs her some new bottoms and leaves the room. Going to the bathroom, she washes up and comes back-taking care of the sheet. When she's all done, she finds Daryl sitting on the couch, biting his thumbnail. Slowly walking over to him, Beth slowly sits beside him, hating herself.

"You okay now?" He shakily asks. "That was a lot of blood."

"It's never usually that bad...I'm sorry you had to see that."

"I just got so worried..."

"Haha, don't worry. It's okay. I'm's never gonna be that bad again."

"You think something is wrong?"

"No...hahha no. This happens. It sucks and it hurts, but it's fine." She kisses his cheek and snuggles close to him, bring him out of his own shock. No guy ever willingly volunteers to pick up lady things for his girl...all except Daryl.

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