Chapter 10

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After diner, Hope and Kelley went to the omega's room to talk. The alpha also wants to have an important conversation with her mate.

"How are you feeling about your first week of camp?", Hope asks.

"I feel good, happy about how I play, especially with Tobin", the younger woman responds.

"I agree you are doing really well for your first camp, you weren't aren't as nervous as all rookies' first camp. And you and Heath do have a great connection on and off the field."

"Yeah I was nervous at the beginning but Tobin told me I should be scared that you are all welcoming, which you are. The fact that I knew Casey, Ash, A-rod, Cheney, Rachel, and Barny help too. Also, Mittsy took me under her wing for some pranks so it's fun", Kelley says, excluding the fact that both her moms told her to be herself and not care about the others, and the fact that her mama is here if she needs her.

"That's nice, when I came to my first camp I was so scared and didn't know anyone.", Hope says.

After a few minutes of silence and of enjoying each other presence, the older player decides to talk about what happened to her omega.

"I just want you to know...", Hope starts, "... I will wait until you are ready to mate."

"Thanks", Kelley replays looking at her mate, "y-you a-are n-not m-mad that I l-lost m-my vir-virginity?", she asks stuttering.

"No, it's not your fault, he raped you. I glad he didn't have the time to finish the mating process."

"Me too. I was lucky thought"

"What do you mean?", the alpha asks softly.

"He was preparing his knot when Zach came in and threw him off of me...", Kelley starts, Hope nods encouragingly for her to go on, "when Zach threw him off, it hurt a lot but not at much as when he forced himself in."

Hope is trying to stay calm to not scare the younger woman but she is angry that someone hurt her mate.

"How big was he? If you know, so I can try to understand how much can it hurt", she asks.

"He told me he was 6 inches and that it would be the biggest I will ever see. Is it true?", the omega answers.

"6 inches, that's not big, but I can see why it hurt because one he forced himself in and can I assume he was rough...", the younger woman nods, "okay and lastly, when you are getting a knot, having it forced out can be painful.", Hope says.

"How do you know all this? Have you lost your virginity?", Kelley asks, scared of the answers.

"No, I haven't lost my virginity nor done anything with anyone", Hope replies to reassure her mate, "and about what I said, I had old teammates in high school how told me about it because they were sluts."

"Oh ok... Wait! Did you say that 6 inches is small?", the omega asks.

"Yeah, it's average"

"H-how b-big a-are y-you?", Kelley asks nervously.

"I'm 10 inches and 2 inches wide", she answers proudly.

"10 inches?!"

"Yes, don't worry I will be gentle every time unless you tell me not to", Hope says reassuringly.

"O-okay, but why are you so big?", Kelley asks, "I don't think even Zach is that big from what I heard."

"I do hope you didn't see Zach's penis"

"Don't worry, the only ones I saw, was my family's when I was I kid"

"Good", Hope says, happy with the reply, "to answer your question, the reason I'm so big is because I'm a Lycan alpha"

The Lycan Alpha's OmegaWhere stories live. Discover now